Tablet TALK: Best Wishes Msgr. Wielunski

Details on Archbishop Bernardito Auza’s upcoming talk about the papal visit, salutes a special couple in Old Mill Basin, highlights a farewell party for a Glendale pastor and much more.

Making a Commitment To Find Freedom

I am now beginning to understand what the saints mean when they say that by giving up one’s own will to God, one becomes truly free.

George Weigel

Progressive Catholic Authoritarianism

BACK IN THE late 1960s or thereabouts, Father Andrew Greeley, the model of an old-fashioned liberal Catholic, accused Father Daniel Berrigan (the beau ideal of post-conciliar Catholic radicalism) of harboring an authoritarian streak in his politics. Father Greeley meant that, were Father Berrigan and his radical friends to achieve power, their aggressive sense of moral superiority would lead them to put Father Greeley and his liberal friends in jail. It was classic hyperbole for Father Greeley, but like some of his polemics, there was a grain of truth in it.

George Weigel

The Kasper Theory of Democracy?

A few weeks ago, after Ireland voted to approve so-called “same-sex marriage,” a correspondent sent me an e-mail quoting Cardinal Walter Kasper’s comment on the result: “A democratic state has the duty to respect the will of the people, and it seems clear that, if the majority of the people wants such homosexual unions, the state has a duty to recognize such rights.”

Preserving Precious Freedoms

Dear Editor: To pray or to fast in hopes that the Supreme Court won’t rule in favor of so-called “marriage equality” laws may be a wasted effort. By now, the Court has probably already reached a decision, and the Justices may be at the stage of deciding which of them should have the honor (if such be the proper word) of writing the “Majority Decision.”

Prayers for Marriage

Dear Editor: I am appealing to the Bishops in the U.S. to consider calling for a very serious prayer effort to hold back the decision of the Supreme Court from going the way of Ireland on marriage. This we know is very likely as the powerful and wealthy homosexual lobby is making great advances in our culture.

Jumping to Conclusions

Many newspapers are jumping to conclusions about the transfer of Father Warren Hall, a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, from his position of director of campus ministry at Seton Hall University, South Orange, N.J.