Thank God for The Tribunal

Dear Editor: On my wedding day, I was thrilled. We had dated for about eight years. As I arrived at the altar, the man who told me, “Beautiful, just beautiful!” wasn’t my husband, it was the presider. My husband didn’t even acknowledge me. I couldn’t figure it out. I assumed it was nerves. Later during […]

Constancy of Marriage

Abraham Lincoln once asked, “If you call a dog’s tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?” “Five,” people would answer. “No,” Lincoln would state, “the correct answer is four.” Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg. The same is true for marriage.

Mercy of Christ in Annulment Process

By simplifying and accelerating the annulment process, the Holy Father has acknowledged that many people yearn to experience the mercy of the Lord by seeking a declaration of the nullity of their marriage, a marriage which was null from the start, and beginning a new life. This reform of the process is not to favor the nullity of marriage but rather to speed the process for the declaration of nullity if, indeed, that is the truth of the situation.

Courage of Kim Davis 

Dear Editor:  Laws are derived from three sources: Natural Law, Law of the Omnipotent and Law of human societies. The first two are perfect while the third, if not a synthesis of the other two, is often flawed. Human societies enact laws for rule and orderliness. These should be obeyed if they are conscionable. However, […]

Francis Simplifies the Annulment Process

Rewriting a section of the Latinrite Code of Canon Law and of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Pope Francis said he’s not “promoting the nullity of marriages,” but a quicker, cheaper and much more pastoral process.

Emotional ‘War Room’ Focuses on Family

Prayer becomes the ultimate weapon to save a young family in crisis in “War Room” (TriStar). This Christian-themed drama is the latest offering from Alex and Stephen Kendrick, the fraternal team behind 2008’s “Fireproof” and 2011’s “Courageous.”

11 Cardinals Urge No Changes on Marriage

Eleven cardinals have urged Church leaders to maintain Church rules on marriage and strengthen Catholic education on marriage and family life.

George Weigel

The Issue Beneath the Issue at the Synod

A brilliant article by a German Catholic philosopher, Professor Thomas Stark, suggests that an argument beneath the argument may be afoot in the controversies that will be aired at the Synod of Bishops in October.

Save Your Marriage

A study was conducted and reported in several media outlets that fighting with one’s spouse can cause one to grow in obesity. If nothing else can prevent married couples from seriously arguing, then perhaps the threat of gaining weight can loom large in minds as a preventative measure.