The much-anticipated interfaith chapel in the new Terminal C at LaGuardia Airport is expected to open for prayer in July, according to sources familiar with the project.
LaGuardia Airport
Checking in: New Chapel at LaGuardia Delayed, Again, Until 2024
The long-delayed quest for an interfaith chapel at LaGuardia Airport — at one time estimated to be accomplished by the end of this year — won’t take flight until sometime next year, airline officials have indicated.
Chaplain Delighted to See More Space Devoted for New LaGuardia Chapel
Plans for a long-desired interfaith chapel at LaGuardia Airport have grown 560 square feet, with high ceilings and a wall of glass windows, according to architectural renderings. Also, two stained-glass windows from the original Lady of the Skies Chapel at JFK International Airport have been offered to the LaGuardia project.
LaGuardia Airport to Receive Room For Religious Services by ‘End of Year’
Chaplains will have access to room in the new Central Hall at LaGuardia Airport, between Terminals B and C, after renovations are completed there in 4th Quarter 2022, a Port Authority official confirmed.
LaGuardia Chapel Stalled After Moment Of Optimism
What appeared to be a moment of optimism regarding proposed spaces for religious services at the renovated LaGuardia Airport has turned into more uncertainty.
St. Louis Airport Chaplains Cheer Efforts to Create Chapel at LaGuardia
Two airport chaplains from St. Louis recently visited New York City and instantly identified with the struggles of Father Chris Piasta and Rabbi Ari Korenblit to establish a multi-faith chapel at nearby LaGuardia Airport. The visitors had a similar experience when a chapel was commandeered for restaurant space at St. Louis Lambert International Airport.