Lucy Moriarty, a second-grader at Good Shepherd Catholic Academy, wanted to do something when she heard a statue at Resurrection Roman Catholic Church was vandalized.
Knights of Columbus
Three Models of Priestly Goodness
The Pandemic of 2020 has been hard on every Catholic. Eucharistic fasting for this length of time may remind us what 20th century heroes of the faith in underground Churches endured, and what 21st century confessors in China and elsewhere endure today; and that is no bad thing. Still, it is very, very hard to be the Catholic Church without being a vibrantly eucharistic Church.
Only in Print: The Cause for Father McGivney: His Road to Sainthood
A detailed timeline for “The Cause for Father McGivney: His Road to Sainthood” starting with the first event when Father McGivney was given the title “Servant of God” on Dec. 18, 1997.
October 2020: Father Michael McGivney, Knights of Columbus Founder, is Beatified
Father Michael McGivney (1852-1890), the founder of the Knights of Columbus, is a step closer to sainthood after he was beatified at a Mass at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut on Oct. 31.
After Statue Is Vandalized, Knights of Columbus Donates $10,000
The Knights of Columbus has donated $10,000 to the Shrine Church of Our Lady of Solace in the wake of an act of vandalism in which a man toppled a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe and threw it to the sidewalk.
Harris Seen as Progressive Partisan Who Can Pivot
Kamala Harris’s campaign positions on immigration reform, aid to refugees, and poverty, align with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. But some Catholics won’t approve of her stance on abortion. Some advocates of religious freedom claim Harris has been openly hostile to their beliefs.
Queens Knights of Columbus Council Collects 500 Pounds of Food in One Day
Since May, the Knights of Columbus Holy Family/Bishop Ignatius Catanello Council #14520 has collected and distributed more than 4,000 pounds of food to at least 6,000 families. Their most recent food drive, held on August 16, collected approximately 500 pounds of food that was donated to St. Michael’s Church Pantry in Flushing.
Remembering a Martyr: Father Edwin Coyle
On August 11, 1921, Father James Edwin Coyle was shot three times by Ku Klux Klan member Edwin Stephenson while sitting on the porch in front of his rectory at St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Birmingham, Alabama.
Father Michael McGivney One Step Closer to Sainthood
On July 20, The Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints announced the beatification ceremony for Father Michael McGivney will take place at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Connecticut on Oct. 31.
Italian-Americans’ Plea: Don’t Tear Down Columbus Statues
Italian-Americans in the Diocese of Brooklyn and elsewhere are decrying efforts by protesters who want to tear down statues of Christopher Columbus.