A native of Long Island, Sister Martina Schaefer, M.M.S., will celebrate her 60th Jubilee on Aug. 15 at a Mass and reception at the Medical Mission Sisters’ North American Headquarters in Philadelphia. The former Helen Ann Schaefer, Sister Martina entered Medical Mission Sisters in 1950 at the age of 20. She earned her R.N. at […]

Diocese Honors Sister-Jubilarians
Religious Sisters from the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens celebrated their anniversaries of religious life at a Jubilee Mass and dinner with Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, May 14.
Marist Jubilees
Two Marist Brothers with connections to the Brooklyn Diocese are marking anniversaries. Brother Gerard (Jogues) Cormier, F.M.S., is celebrating his 70th year as a religious. Born in Sommerville, Mass., he entered the Marist Brothers Novitiate, Lowell, Mass. in 1943. He taught at St. Ann’s Academy (now Archbishop Molloy H.S.) and then at Cardinal Hayes […]

A Golden Jubilee in Middle Village
In order to honor 50 years of dedicated service to Catholic education, Auxiliary Bishop Paul Sanchez celebrated Mass at Christ the King R.H.S., Middle Village. When the episcopal vicar for Queens presided over the annual opening Mass for the school, he asked God’s blessings for the new school year. He also expressed gratitude for […]

Maryknoller from Queens Celebrates Her 50th Jubilee
Maryknoll Sister Maureen Hanahoe, a native of the Diocese of Brooklyn, celebrated her golden jubilee with a Mass of thanksgiving for her 50 years of service on Sunday, June 17, at Annunciation Chapel, Maryknoll Sisters Center. Born in Rosedale, Sister Maureen entered Maryknoll in 1962. Her first foreign assignment was to Talca, Chile, where she […]
Religious Brothers Celebrate Jubilees
Two brothers in the diocese are marking their 60th years as members of religious life. Brother John Leane, S.C., was born and grew up in the South Bronx. He attended St. Luke’s School, St. Joseph’s H.S., Metuchen, N.J., and entered the novitiate of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart and pronounced his first vows in […]
Franciscan Jubilarians
At a liturgy in the chapel at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston, three Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn recently observed their jubilees of entrance into the order. From left, are: Brother William Boslet, Superior General; and Brothers Robert Schaefer, St. Francis College, 60th Anniversary; Alan Zodda, St. Francis Prep, 60th Anniversary; and Warren Prentiss, St. Francis Prep, […]
Josephite from Brooklyn Observes 40th Jubilee
Father James E. McLinden, S.S.J., celebrated his 40th anniversary as a Josephite priest with a Mass of thanksgiving May 2 at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Washington, D.C. Born in Brooklyn, Father McLinden was baptized at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Brooklyn Heights. He attended St. Jerome’s School, East Flatbush; Erasmus Hall H.S., Flatbush; the Josephite minor […]