Portraits of Immigrants

Betsy Ashton’s “Portraits of Immigrants” series is a visual way to tell the stories of the extraordinary lives of ordinary immigrants she encounters in daily life. She says the point is to remind Americans about “who today’s immigrants really are.”

Catholic Agencies Disappointed by Court’s Order Limiting Immigrant Aid

Catholic Charities USA and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, known as CLINIC, expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court’s Jan. 27 order allowing the Trump administration to go forward with a new rule meant to limit immigrants’ use of government benefit programs.

Texas Catholics Decry Governor’s Decision to Spurn Refugees

Catholic bishops across Texas have said Jan.10’s decision by Governor Greg Abbott not to allow new refugees to settle in the state is “deeply discouraging and disheartening” and are calling on the Catholic governor to reverse his stance.

Catholics Mark Anniversary of Child’s Death at Border

Catholics joined faith groups observing the first anniversary of the death of a 7-year-old girl who died under immigration detention in late 2018 and called attention to other children in similar circumstances. Jakelin Caal Maquin died in December 2018 at the El Paso Children’s Hospital in Texas of a bacterial infection and, at the time, she and her father were under detention by border agents.

Immigrant Mom With Breast Cancer Dies

Maria Barragan, a mother from Guatemala who was battling stage 4 cancer and who was reunited with her undocumented husband in Brooklyn this past summer, passed away on Oct. 3. 

Trump Cuts Back on Number of Refugees to Be Allowed in U.S.

On September 26, the Trump administration announced that it would be cutting back on the number of refugees the nation will be accepting, limiting victims of war and persecution from seeking protection in the U.S..

Franciscan Friars at Southern Border

Five Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn discovered that when they wore those official-looking clothes for a day in early August during a trip they made to a shelter in El Paso, Texas. They were helping immigrants who had just been in ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) custody.