Shining Star Award Dinner 2015

Representatives of 26 ethnic ministries in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens were honored at the 2015 Shining Star Award Dinner, presented by Catholic Migration Services, this fall.

These Are the Stars of Diocese of Immigrants

For the past 12 years, the Shining Stars Awards dinner has been conducted by the diocesan Catholic Migration Services to honor the contributions to the Church and community by immigrants. It has become so popular that each year there are now two dinners to accommodate all the people who want to attend.

Pope Impressed by Church in US

By Cindy Wooden ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM PHILADELPHIA (CNS) – As the American Airlines plane taking him to Rome from Philadelphia took off, Pope Francis said he pictured the faces of all the people he met, and he prayed for them. At the end of his first-ever visit to the United States, the pope […]

Parish Diversity Reflects the Changing Nature of US Society

American parishes are not so monolithic anymore. Traditionally European parishes have become places where immigrants and marginalized Catholics increasingly feel at home. While parishes have gone through growing pains as new ways are adopted, in the end, parishioners largely appreciate the diversity.

Pope: European Parishes Should House Refugees

Given the ongoing crisis of people fleeing from war and poverty, Pope Francis asked every parish and religious community in Europe to take in a family of refugees as a concrete sign of hope and God’s mercy.

Tougher for Today’s Immigrants

Dear Editor: Our ancestors had it difficult, but never had to endure what today’s immigrants are enduring through media and public scrutiny by monsters such as Trump and the Tea Party. Today’s immigrants work just as hard as our ancestors did and they are here for the same reasons. If you read or study history, […]

Pope Asks For an End to Modern Martyrdoms

Pope Francis asked the international community to “put a stop to the violence and oppression” after calling attention once again to the fate of persecuted Christians.

Making It as an Immigrant

Dear Editor: This is in response with respect to Rev. Stephen P. Morris (“Asking the Jesus Questions,” Aug. 15). If you look up the history of our country, we’ve never allowed everyone into our country. I am sure if you look back at your own families, you would know how they came. They didn’t just cross a border.