‘No More Death, No More Exploitation,’ Pope Says at U.S.-Mexico Border

Speaking from the symbolic platform of the U.S.-Mexico border, Pope Francis pleaded for the plight of immigrants while warning those refusing to offer safe shelter and passage that their actions and inhospitable attitudes were bringing about dishonor and self-destruction as their hearts hardened and they “lost their sensitivity to pain.”

In Silence, Pope Remembers Those Who Cross Mexican-U.S. Border

At the border of Mexico and the United States, Pope Francis blessed a large cross in memory of all the people who have crossed the frontier. The pope said nothing Feb. 17, but he clasped his hands tightly in prayer and bowed his head in silent prayer. He left a bunch of flowers on a table in front of the cross.

You Shall Not Oppress an Alien

Passions over the immigration issue are strong among U.S. presidential candidates, and as guest columnist John Garvey writes, Catholics must keep their minds and hearts open.

Irish Need Not Enter

Dear Editor: In response to Carolyn Y. Woo’s column: “Encountering our Muslim Neighbors” (Jan. 23): I flew out of London on Pan Am Flight 103 a week before it was blown apart over Lockerbie, Scotland. Of course, air travel today is very different worldwide than what it was originally. Fear and security dominates everywhere. Ms. […]

Dr. King’s Legacy: a Movement of Welcoming

Parishioners and clergy in Brooklyn and Queens gathered to observe the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday at Our Lady of Victory Church, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Jan. 18.

German Cardinal Denounces Migrants’ Violence

Hundreds of sexual assaults committed against German women by migrants in a single night “can in no way be tolerated,” said the president of the German bishops’ conference.

NJ Bishops Seek Renewed Commitment to Immigrants

New Jersey’s Catholic bishops called on people of faith and “of goodwill” to “go beyond their comfort zone” and renew their commitment to caring for immigrants, refugees and the poor.

The Cost to the Taxpayers

Dear Editor: During the debate about immigration several points are never discussed: the cost to the taxpayers of this country, especially the middle class, is enormous; free medical and dental; free education, even free tuition at our colleges to the children of aliens, who displace naturalized and native citizens; Section 8 housing, whereby the taxpayer pays 70 percent of the rent. The list goes on and on.

Papal Honors Bestowed At Co-Cathedral

Forty-nine people were honored Nov. 1 with papal honors distributed by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights. More than 1,000 people attended the vespers service and conferral of honors.