Controls on Immigration

Dear Editor: Regarding James Schwarzwalder’s letter (June 4), “Empathy for the Immigrants,” let’s be clear, no one has a “right” to come here just because they feel like it.

Being an Example of Love and Mercy

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is tested by a person knowledgeable in the law when He is asked: “What must he do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus responds by testing the scholar – and all who hear this passage – with the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Prayer and Health Are Fair Play at OLPH

High winds and curious passers by made it difficult for volunteers to keep their materials well stocked at their tables in front of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica, Sunset Park.

Empathy for the immigrants

Dear Editor: Regarding Bishop DiMarzio’s recent column (May 21) regarding immigration, the bishop opposes a two-class system and mentions the experience of black slaves in America. The black slaves came to America in chains. Today’s undocumented come of their own volition, acknowledging that many come because of extreme adversity in their native countries. Others come for opportunity.

Cardinal Joins Farmworkers March for Just Workplaces

The 18-day March for Farmworker Justice made its way through the diocese last week on its way to Albany from Smithtown, L.I. Holding the leading banner were farm workers fighting for the labor rights that most New Yorkers already enjoy, including one day of rest a week, sick leave and worker’s compensation.

The Facts About Immigration

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The current politicization of the issue of undocumented workers in our country is truly unfortunate. It is a social problem that demands our attention and one that needs a solution, but not an issue that can be solved without addressing the racist and xenophobic tendencies that lay […]

Unity, Diversity: Theme of Migration Day Mass

Almost 1,000 immigrants to Brooklyn and Queens joined Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio at the annual diocesan celebration of World Migration Day, April 30 at St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral, Prospect Heights.

Rescued by Pope Felt Like Dream

After less than 48 hours in Rome, “dream” is the word used most often by the six Syrian adults Pope Francis brought back to Italy with him from a refugee camp in Greece.

Laws About Immigration

Dear Editor: Mr. Gange is correct when he writes (Liberals v. Conservatives, Feb. 17) that “(the Church) does not deny the right of the United States of America to have immigration laws.” However …