‘Work Is Not Done’: Celebrating Black Catholic History

To commemorate Black Catholic History Month, an honorary Mass was celebrated at the Basilica of Old St. Patrick Cathedral on Saturday, Nov. 18, in recognition of the impact and future of Black Catholics in the Church. 

Pope Declares Mother Lange ‘Venerable’

Recognizing that she lived the Christian virtues in a heroic way, Pope Francis has declared venerable Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange, founder of the first Catholic order of African American nuns. 

Priest Discovers Kentucky Parish Has Ties to Father Augustus Tolton

On a wintry January day at the old St. Theresa Cemetery in rural Meade County in Kentucky, Janice Mulligan laid a simple wreath of magnolia leaves on the grave of Matilda Hurd, a woman who died a slave and whose grandson is now a saint in the making.

New Educational Center Enlivens Father Tolton’s Legacy 

Supporters of the cause for canonization of Father Augustus Tolton (1854-1897), have created the Tolton Spirituality Center to help Catholics learn from his examples of ministering to people of all races and loving all of humanity. The center, now in its development stages, is moving forward with a $1 million grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc.