Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposed budget for 2018 proposes to radically expand the state’s abortion offerings and cut back on its commitment to private education.

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposed budget for 2018 proposes to radically expand the state’s abortion offerings and cut back on its commitment to private education.
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio joins Rockville Centre Bishop William Murphy, and New York’s Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan at an impromptu press conference in Albany.
This past week, we celebrated Catholic Schools Week, not only in our own diocese but in Sees across the country. The nation is indebted to Catholic schools, not only because of the talent they have contributed to society, but also because of the costs they have saved the government that would have had to educate all those students in public schools.
The battle for fairness in education in New York State is underway again. For years, the Bishops of New York have been fighting for some kind of financial relief for parents who pay tuition in Catholic schools. It seems only fair since parents who choose a Catholic education for their children are being hit twice […]
Dear Editor: Hope springs eternal, but frankly, I am not surprised that the school tax credit was again denied in Albany. This case is hopeless because we have a liberal government which legalized same-sex marriage and is more interested in forcing the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle on everybody than the religious and moral education of our children.
Last week’s decision by the New York State Legislature not to include the proposed Education Tax Credit in the state budget was a blow to Catholic schools in New York. It’s likely that more schools will have to close. It’s definite that fewer students will be offered scholarship money.
As The Tablet went to press, the final details of the New York State budget were being announced in Albany. But the Education Tax Credit, which was a priority of the New York State Bishops, was left out of the final deal. A diocesan representative said, “Speaker (Carl) Heastie chose not to help us. The […]
A threat to resurrect the elimination of the statute of limitations for church workers accused of sexual abuse is nothing more than a continuation of the dirtiest politics in Albany. Coming on the next to last day of the Assembly’s scheduled session, the proposal was nothing more than a threat of retaliation to the Church because of its firm support for the Education Tax Credit proposal that it has been backing.
Furious over the fact that their Assemblyman withdrew his support of the Education Tax Credit bill in Albany, parents, students and administrators of schools in Flushing demonstrated outside his office.
Dear Editor: I have been following the debate concerning passage of the Education Investment Tax Credit bill (A2551) and Governor Cuomo’s Parental Choice in Education Act. It appears that the essence of both pieces of legislation: children and their futures – is being lost in the discussion.