Students’ Works a Portrait of Joy at Tablet’s Easter Art Contest

That spirit was on display at The Tablet’s 12th annual Christ Is Risen Easter art contest on May 15 in Dyker Heights. The awards ceremony, co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Archbishop John Hughes Council No. 481, was held at the council’s center.

Come to the Tomb and Believe

This day, as we commemorate the Resurrection of the Christ, we are reminded that life and goodness have the final victory in God’s cosmic design, as well as in every individual soul that places its trust in Him. Carrying our burdens with eyes fixed on Him, feeling the nearness of death yet rejecting its tempting despair, we taste the glory of this present feast in all of its refreshing goodness.

Christ Is Risen Art Contest

The Tablet, with the generous collaboration of the Archbishop John Hughes Knights of Columbus Council No. 481, invited youth from Brooklyn and Queens to participate in the annual “Christ Is Risen Easter Art Contest.”

Pope on Easter: Death Is Not the Last Word

Easter makes it clear that in the life of Jesus, but also in the lives of modern men and women, “death, solitude and fear” do not have the last word, Pope Francis said before giving his Easter blessing.

Easter Fun in Mill Basin

Children at St. Bernard Church, Mill Basin, enjoyed a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny last Sunday, March 25.

As Easter People, We See The Light All Around Us

When I was a student at Cathedral College in Douglaston, we celebrated Easter morning with a sunrise prayer service. We would go up to the roof of the then-recently opened college seminary and wait the first light of day.

Four Little Words

Imagine what it must have been like for the Apostles. Just imagine what it would have been like for them, hiding in that room, in the days after the Passion, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.