My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, To be called to be a successor of the Apostles is a great honor, but also a great responsibility. During the week of July 5, the two Bishops-elect, James Massa and Witold Mroziewski, and I spent a week on retreat at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie.
Diocese of Brooklyn
Three Men Ordained Transitional Deacons
Three men who are studying outside the diocese were ordained transitional deacons by Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto on May 30.
Thousands of Volunteers Help Generations Surpass $25 Million
Generations of Faith has surpassed the $25 million mark with gifts from 4,000 parishioners, but more donations and volunteers are needed.
Volunteer Happy to Be on Parish’s ‘Generations’ Team
A Q&A with Mary Jane McCartney, Generations of Faith volunteer and a Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens board member.
Push Is On for Education Tax Credits
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Msgr. Kieran E. Harrington and several New York bishops and representatives from the states’ dioceses met with Governor Andrew Cuomo on June 1 to encourage them to pass a bill that would be key for the future of Catholic schools and other religious and independent schools in the state.
Welcome to Our Permanent Deacons
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, As we approach the end of May, we are blessed with ordinations to both the Transitional Diaconate, as well as the Permanent Diaconate. We will ordain four Transitional Deacons now this spring and four on Nov. 7, for Ordination to the Priesthood in 2016. At the same time, I was privileged to ordain 19 permanent deacons on Saturday, May 23, at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph.
Italian Apostolate’s Day Marked by Procession
Hundreds of people crowded the street in front of St. Mel’s parish in Flushing, to begin the procession celebrating the 33rd annual Italian Apostolate Day.
Air Force Chaplain Inducted into Baron Hall of Fame
Father Timothy J. Hirten, a U.S. Air Force chaplain, was inducted Aug. 31 into his alma mater’s Baron Hall of Fame at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.
Back to School 2014 – Special Section
Here’s a look at The Tablet’s annual “Back to School” special section that appeared in the Aug. 23, 2014 issue of the newspaper.
Dad’s Memory Drives Xaverian Goalie’s Faith
In hockey, a goaltender’s job is to protect the goal from the opposing team trying to score. That’s a rather huge responsibility, especially since trying to stop a puck while on skates is no easy task. For Xaverian H.S., Bay Ridge, senior varsity hockey goalie Kurtland Sullivan, the word “responsibility” takes on a different meaning. […]