Ed Wilkinson

Every Month We Fete The Catholic Media

It used to be a big deal when we would mark February as Catholic Press Month. Not so much any more because Catholic Press means so much more to us than just producing a weekly newspaper. With the advent of the DeSales Media Group in 2010, communication in the diocese changed. No longer would all […]

Auxiliary Bishop Paul Sanchez holds a plaque honoring Robert Cunningham as parish and diocesan officials look on at St. Sebastian’s School, Woodside. (Photo by Jim Mancari)

St. Sebastian’s Scholarship Honors Alumni’s Dad

Robert Cunningham sacrificed to send his four children to Catholic school at St. Sebastian’s, Woodside. Keeping this sacrifice in mind, the school has announced an annual scholarship in his memory. The announcement was made at the school June 18 with members of the Cunningham family, St. Sebastian’s parish and the diocese on hand. Cunningham passed […]

Coming to a Pulpit Near You…

For the past two months, Father Frank Mann has been moving around the diocese, speaking about The Tablet, trying to bolster our circulation and help pastors save money. He has been to six different parishes in Brooklyn and Queens to urge people to sign up for individual subscriptions to The Tablet rather than have their […]

Diocese Merges Communication Operations Into One Company

The Diocese of Brooklyn’s communications strategy took another giant leap forward recently when the two boards of directors overseeing print and broadcast operations met together for the first time and agreed to merge into one group. The board of directors of the 103-year-old Tablet Publishing Co. and the board of Trans Video Communications (TVC) voted […]

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio

Welcome the DeSales Media Group

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, When is a tweet not just any old tweet? When it comes from the Holy Father.  It was with profound joy that we recently received a simple but powerful message from the Vatican announcing the creation of a one-stop Internet source for all of the Holy See’s […]