Holy Water Fonts Adapt to Pandemic Times

Holy water fonts have remained dry since churches in Brooklyn and Queens reopened on May 26, due to health and safety measures. However, companies and entrepreneurs have gotten creative while expressing their faith by building touch-free holy water font dispensers.

Chinese Faith Community Clears Trash, Shares the Gospel

About 30 members of the Asian faith community at Basilica Regina parish assemble for the weekly cleanup each Sunday after their noon Chinese-language Mass. Msgr. Ronald Marino, pastor, said their work is courageous, especially while Asian people across the U.S. face violent hate crimes or verbal abuse and blame-laying for the pandemic.

Focolare Catholics, Friends Strive to Ease COVID Suffering

By learning the scriptures, local followers of the Focolare movement find ways to be like Jesus, which opens doors to serious exchanges between Catholics and other religions. Service to people in need is also key, so some members volunteered to assemble respirators soon after the COVID-19 pandemic reached New York City.

‘Concert for Healing’ at St. Pancras Showcases Christ’s Power of Redemption

The thematic arc of “A Concert for Healing” allows viewers of this online performance to experience Christ’s power of redemption, said its organizers at St. Pancras Church, Glendale, Queens. It was videotaped and produced at the church to help its members mend from a tumultuous year for their parish.

‘It was Like an Answer to a Prayer for me’

Father Brian Shanley is the new president of St. John’s University, with a start date of Feb. 1, 2021. He is the former president of Providence College, Providence, R.I., where he earned notoriety for improving campus facilities, increasing the faculty, and building a more diverse student body.

Chaplains, Care Home Staff Coping With COVID-19 Protocols

When Father Michael Garvey arrived for his shift as a chaplain at the Ascension Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, Florida, on Dec. 15, his first stop was the coronavirus floor, right now full with 24 patients.

Diocese Honors Mosaic of Immigrants With Sculpture, Christmas Tree Lighting

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, joined by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, on Tuesday, Dec. 8, unveiled the sculpture, “Angels Unawares,” at the Soldiers and Sailors Arch in Brooklyn’s Grand Army Plaza. The annual lighting of the plaza’s Christmas tree followed the unveiling.