An independent commission led by retired Connecticut Superior Judge Robert Holzberg released its report October 1 after a yearlong review.
Catholic Church
Fr. James Martin: Pope Was ‘Attentive, Welcoming and Warm’ During Meeting
On Monday, Pope Francis met with Jesuit Father James Martin, an American priest who has dedicated most of the past three years to ministering to LGBT Catholics, whom he describes as the “most marginalized group” in the Catholic Church.
Bishops Say Despite ‘Americans Attacking Me’ Flap, Francis Has Strong U.S. Support
In the wake of a recent flap over Pope Francis saying he considers it an honor when “Americans are attacking me,” two U.S. bishops in Rome this week to present the results of a major assembly of Hispanic-American Catholics say their presence delivers a simple message: Not all Americans think alike, and most aren’t anti-pope.
Using the Annual Catholic Appeal as a Parish Fundraiser
At St. Nicholas of Tolentine in Jamaica, Queens, we learned much of their success is driven by the involvement of their ACA parish team. Another compelling part of the Annual Catholic Appeal is utilizing the “over-goal” feature of the program to raise money for a special project at the parish.
Dedication Mass Shows St. Michael’s Diversity
At the dedication Mass, readings were done in Tagalog, Spanish, English and Mandarin. The church has parishioners from almost 50 countries, according to pastor Father John Vesey, and has seven Masses every Sunday. Some services were cancelled on Sept. 22 to encourage parishioners to attend the dedication Mass.
The Parish Plan
Throughout our Diocese, countless individuals have made a lasting impact on the life of the Church and its ability to share the faith with the next generation. It all starts with a plan.
Outdoor Shrine at St. Gerard Majella Vandalized Twice
The Shrine Church of St. Gerard Majella, Hollis, was vandalized twice in one week in September, according to pastor Father JosephJude Gannon, who said he believes the same person was responsible for both acts.
Beloved Priest Celebrates 45 Years at Jamaica Parish
You can’t spell “theology,” the study of God, without T-H-E-O, as in Father Theo, the beloved and scholarly retired priest in residence at Immaculate Conception, Jamaica, who celebrated his 45th year at the parish with a Mass of thanksgiving on Sept. 15. Father Theophane Cooley, C.P., 91, who’s originally from Dublin, speaks five languages and has taught philosophy and Latin. But perhaps he’s best known as a kind and caring priest.
Distance No Barrier for Parishioners Who Commute to Carroll Gardens Parish
Michael and Illisse, both 30, make the extra effort because they feel strongly connected to Sacred Hearts-St. Stephen’s. They aren’t the only ones. A number of parishioners, who once lived near the church, still come back to Mass there every Sunday, even after they have moved away. They come from Westchester County, Long Island, Staten Island and other parts of Brooklyn.
Police Still Searching for Suspect in Church Break-ins
Police are still searching for a man suspected of break-ins at three Catholic churches in Queens as well as of break-ins at three other churches and three commercial buildings, the New York Post reported.