Can We Help with a Bright Christmas Grant?

Next weekend, The Tablet will officially launch its annual Bright Christmas Campaign to assist the poor and the needy in our diocese that takes in the boroughs of Kings and Queens. Every year for more than 40 years, The Tablet has collected funds that are passed on to parishes and church leaders in order to […]

Tablet Briefs: Bright Christmas Funds

Bright Christmas Funds If your parish or parish group needs financial help this Christmas season, we want to know. The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Campaign will be underway shortly. This is our annual fundraising drive that helps diocesan- and parish-based groups provide Christmas gifts to the needy. To qualify for a grant from Bright Christmas, we […]

Snows Knows CYO Values

The Our Lady of the Snows (OLS), North Floral Park, Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) program recently donated $282 toward the diocesan Philippines’ relief effort and also donated $359 to the OLS Human Concerns Center. Pictured with the OLS sub-novice girls’ basketball team is Joan Geiger, OLS Human Concerns Center director, and Father Kevin McBrien, pastor […]

Gifts of Light Help Brighten Our Christmas

The weather outside was frightful. The wind-swept snow and chilly temperatures were hardly delightful. But that didn’t stop the show from going on at St. Athanasius Church in Bensonhurst and St. Bernard’s Church in Mill Basin. Actor-singer Robert Davi (“The Goonies,” “License to Kill,” “Die Hard”) braved the elements to perform two concerts, one at […]

Staff Discovers: It’s in Giving That You Receive

DeSales Media Group, the parent company of The Tablet, offers its staff opportunities to grow spiritually as well as materially. Last weekend, as part of our quarterly retreat program, the folks who work for The Tablet, NET-TV and the Catholic Television Network participated in a day of service. We visited the residents at SS. Joachim […]

Bright Christmas Pleas Deserve to Be Answered

Let the Bright Christmas Campaign begin! Actually, requests for funding have already arrived. Some donations are being processed. Now, for the official opening! For more than 40 years, The Tablet has conducted its Bright Christmas drive to help needy kids enjoy Christmas. The process is simple. We make a plea to our readers for money. […]

Need Help from Our Bright Christmas Fund?

Parishes and diocesan agencies that need help buying gifts for children this Christmas need look no further than The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Fund. All they have to do is ask, and we will respond. For more than 40 years, The Tablet’s Bright Christmas has responded to the needs of the less fortunate by providing funds […]

Last Chance to Donate To Bright Christmas

A priest-friend writes requesting a grant from The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Fund. He wants to buy Christmas gifts “for people with special needs, including but not limited to the homeless, poor people who ‘fall thought the cracks,’ and seminarians with financial difficulties.” Of course, I’ll send him a check from Bright Christmas because I know […]

Readers Respond with Heartfelt Notes

The regulars are responding. The Tablet’s Bright Christmas has such a wonderful following. It’s inspiring to receive checks each year from people who have been donating for years. Like Diane DeBernardo of Windsor Terrace, who sent her contribution in loving memory of her parents, the late Celia and Jim DeBernardo. Jim was a great fan […]

Readers Share Joy With Bright Christmas Fund

Donations to The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Fund have begun to arrive. Outstanding among the envelopes that were opened was one that contained two checks. One was from Hugo and Sofia Sbordone, who recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They sent me $3,500 which represented the gifts that were given to them for anniversary presents. With […]