We Love Hearing from Our BC Supporters

Contributions to The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Campaign continue to flood our offices. So much so that our limited staff is working double time at getting the money into the bank so that we can distribute it to the priests, sisters and lay leaders who will assist the needy this Christmas. Contributors include an auxiliary bishop […]

Bright Christmas Appeal

The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Campaign is in full swing. Each year, we ask Tablet readers to help make Christmas brighter for the children and families in need in Brooklyn and Queens.

Requests Keep Coming As Donations Arrive

As The Tablet’s Bright Christmas campaign breaks into full stride, I would like to tell you about two programs that will receive help from our drive. The first is Boys Hope Girls Hope of New York that conducts two residences in Brooklyn for teens attending Catholic high schools.

Bright Christmas Hopes For an Early Response

Each year, we invite our readers to help us help others brighten someone else’s Christmas. It’s an opportunity to assist those who for one reason or another just do not have enough resources this year.
We call it The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Campaign, and it has been going on for about 50 years. Last year, we collected more than $125,000 that we redistributed to the poor and needy through our parishes and diocesan agencies.

Bright Christmas Requests

For over 40 years, The Tablet has helped to give diocesan children and families a Bright Christmas.

Bright Christmas Total Comes Close to Record

Well, Tablet readers have done it again! Our Bright Christmas Campaign finished with its second highest total, second only to 2012 when we were responding to Hurricane Sandy.

This year, 3,962 readers – 389 less than last year – donated $133,611 – $1,574 more than last year. That’s an average of $33.72 per donation, which also is higher than last year’s average contribution of $30.77.

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: I wish to take this opportunity to thank you and the Bright Christmas campaign for your generous donation to Visitation B.V.M. Church. It will indeed be used to brighten Christmas for the parish’s children. Many thanks and God bless you. May you have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year. […]

Ed Wilkinson

Readers Are Responding To Bright Christmas

The donations for Bright Christmas are coming in. This week, I would like to tell from where and whom they are coming. Many of the donors are old friends like Sam Repole, who tells me that he now lives in Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, Dyker Heights. If you ever lived in Park Slope, or […]

Hour Children Prepares For a Brighter Christmas

Sister Tesa Fitzgerald, C.S.J., recently gained national notoriety when she was named the winner of the 2014 Opus Prize for faith-based humanitarian work. We’ve known for years about the good work of Sister Tesa and Hour Children. We’ve been fortunate enough to be able to extend Bright Christmas assistance to them over that time. Hour […]