Editor Emeritus - Ed Wilkinson

Do You Need Help to Help Someone Else?

Bright_Christmas_logoWith Thanksgiving fast approaching, that means only one thing at The Tablet’s office – Bright Christmas is ready to go.

Bright Christmas is The Tablet’s annual campaign to make sure that no child or family goes without notice on Christmas. Readers donate to the fund that distributes money to worthy groups, parishes and individuals across the diocese who assist the needy and the forgotten at Christmas.

We are aware of many needs in Brooklyn and Queens and we try to fulfill as many wishes as possible. If you know of a worthy cause – a parish or a group – that needs help, we want to know.

We do not collect toys or presents. We collect only money and we then distribute those funds to people on the front lines helping the poor and needy in our own diocese.

If you are a pastor or agency head and need some assistance this Christmas with spreading holiday joy, please let us know and we will consider you for a Bright Christmas grant. Simply send me a letter or an email explaining the need and we will give you the fullest consideration.

Already, we are receiving requests from local parishes. Father Claudio Antecini, pastor of Visitation parish in Red Hook, writes “Once again Christmas is upon us and it brings us gladness as well as sadness for the many parishioners of Visitation BVM who have no means of giving their children a happy Christmas. These families are in dire straights and would be grateful to you for anything you might decide.”

The parishioners at Visitation are good hard-working people, but for many, they are just about able to make ends meet. A donation from you through Bright Christmas could make the difference between a child getting a Christmas gift or not.

Our pastors and diocesan leaders who seek assistance supply gifts to children, meals to families, and comfort to those in need. Bright Christmas is our way of helping them help others.

Many of our readers are familiar with Bright Christmas because they have been donating to it for years. The Tablet started this campaign more than 40 years ago and it has grown from a modest effort to last year when we raised more than $125,000.

Shortly before Thanksgiving, we will be mailing our solicitation letter to those on our mailing list, but we urge you not to wait to make your Bright Christmas donation.

Simply make out your check to DeSales Media – with a notation to Bright Christmas – and send it to The Tablet at 1712 Tenth Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 11215. The quicker we have the funds, the sooner we can put into the hands of those in need.

We welcome individual donations as well as group projects. Perhaps, your class is looking for a worthy charity. Consider Bright Christmas. There is no need to go beyond your own neighbors to find people who need help. There are many worthy causes and charities but we remind you that charity begins at home and Bright Christmas is the perfect way to assist someone right here in Brooklyn and Queens.

So often, we hear about school drives that help this cause or that effort. Just a reminder that the money is needed right here. There is no need to send it elsewhere. Bright Christmas enables you to make life better in Brooklyn and Queens.

Once again, those who would like assistance from Bright Christmas should send me the request as soon as possible. The email is ewilkinson@desalesmedia.org.