The Church Celebrates The Body and Blood

The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is one of the most important teachings of the Church. In fact, when Christ instituted the Church at the Last Supper, he gave his disciples bread and said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” And then he gave them wine and said, “This is my blood of the covenant.” 

Anti-Catholic Attacks Need Quick, Strong Responses

Events that made headlines this past week show us that anti-Catholic actions are becoming increasingly acceptable in society: From a college professor threatening volunteers from the Catholic Students Association of Hunter College, the Catholic Center at NYU, and Students for Life of America — who were handing out pro-life informational brochures on campus — to a professional sports team inviting an anti-Catholic group to be honored, then disinviting them in the wake of the backlash, only to re-invite them. 

A Special Message To All Mothers

“If at first you don’t succeed, try doing it the way your mother told you to in the beginning,” goes an anonymous quote. 

Recent Shootings Show St. John Paul’s Warning

The recent rash of shootings in the U.S. is further evidence that secular life is moving in a dangerous direction that demonstrates a lack of respect for the dignity of life. 

Divine Mercy Mass Allows Us to See Like Jesus

The Lord’s gift to us is His peace. It is part and parcel of the very nature of God as the Divine Mercy. Sunday, we celebrated that Divine Mercy in a special way as we concluded the Easter Octave. 

Be With the Lord In Easter Season

Catholics celebrate over the next few days our high holy days, ones in which we see how the paschal mystery — the passion, death, and resurrection of Our Savior Jesus Christ — redeems the cosmos.