Pope Francis has expressed his “spiritual closeness to all those affected” by the midair collision of a passenger plane and military helicopter at Ronald Reagan National Airport near Washington on Jan. 29.
Archbishop William Lori
US Bishops Affirm Abortion as Preeminent Political Concern
When it came time for a much-anticipated debate among the American bishops over a voting guide ahead of the 2024 election, the surprise may be that there wasn’t actually any contention. They simply voted to approve the agreed-upon materials in a 225 to 11 vote, with seven abstentions.
After Separate Acts of Gun Violence, Prelates in Baltimore and Santa Fe Pray for Peace
Two archbishops on different ends of the United States are separately calling for prayers and peace this week after gun violence incidents in each archdiocese left people hospitalized.
Court Rules That Names in Baltimore Abuse Report Should Be Revealed
With the need for transparency cited as the predominant factor, a Baltimore court has ruled that almost all redacted names in a Maryland Attorney General’s report on child sex abuse in the Archdiocese of Baltimore can be revealed.
Baltimore Commission Probes Archdiocese’s History on Slavery
In recent months, a 17-member commission in the Archdiocese of Baltimore has been researching the archdiocese’s connection to slavery, with the goal that the work will lead to concrete action toward racial justice.
Archbishops Broglio, Lori Elected USCCB’s Next President, Vice President
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services was elected Nov. 15 to a three-year term as president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops during the bishops’ fall general assembly in Baltimore.
Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop Lori Decry Attacks on Pro-Life Centers
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York and Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore pleaded for peace in light of recent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers in the United States.
U.S. Prelates Oppose Plan to Codify Roe v. Wade in Federal Law
Ahead of a Senate vote next week, two U.S. Bishops Conference chairpeople have labeled a bill that would codify abortion rights into federal law as “built on a false and despairing narrative” that abortion is the “only, or best, solution to a crisis pregnancy.”
Archbishop Lori: ‘Choosing Life Creates a Society That Looks to the Future With Hope’
The Catholic Church and its people stand ready not only to help expectant mothers bring their pregnancies to term but to assist women who have had abortions, said Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
Kelly to Succeed Anderson as Knights of Columbus CEO
Patrick Kelly, a retired U.S. Navy captain, is the new leader of the Knights of Columbus, succeeding Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, who has headed the international fraternal organization as its CEO for more than two decades.