Catholics and Abortion Become Campaign Issue

Hillary Clinton’s selection of Sen. Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate resurfaces the old question about a Catholic politician’s stance on the beginning of life.

The Shame of Abortion

Dear Editor: In the Readers’ Forum (July 2-9) a letter by Frances Ruocco expressed my sentiments also. Thank you, Frances! I want to express my feelings on the same subject –abortion!

Court Rules Against Women’s Health

You would think that it is simple common sense to protect women who undergo the surgical procedure of abortion. Of course, we see it as much more. We see abortion as the taking of innocent life. But the law in this country – much to its shame – claims women have a “right” to destroy life within their wombs. The least you could do is to make sure the lives of women are not in danger as they suffer through abortions.

Bishops Decry Calif. Health Plans

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared, contrary to the plain meaning of current federal law, that the California Dept. of Managed Health Care can continue to force all health plans under its jurisdiction to cover elective abortions. The USCCB is calling for an immediate federal legislative remedy.

Outrage Over New Regs on Abortion Pill

Pro-life advocates expressed dismay with new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines that effectively expand how pregnant women can use RU-486, a drug that induces abortion.

New York’s Shameful Legacy

Dear Editor: Kudos to John Hourig for his eloquent and passionate comments (Jan. 23) titled “Life is Cheap.” Truly, a sad state of affairs, but a well-articulated home run. On April 9, 1970, the N.Y.S. Assembly took up the debate and roll call on the Abortion Bill, which ended in a deadlock (74-74) – two votes short of the 76 needed for a majority. Before the vote was closed, Assemblyman George Michaels of Cayuga County rose and switched his vote from Nay to Aye. The vote now stood at (75-73) The house Speaker Perry Duryea voted Aye making it (76-74). Bill passed. A day of infamy.

Brimming Bud of Human Potential

The abortion issue will get a ride in the upcoming presidential primaries, but sloganeering, not reasoned argument, will characterize the debate.

The Tide Is Turning

Recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a package of eight measures in women’s rights designed to curtail discrimination in housing, the workplace and domestic violence. They also include human trafficking, pay equity, enhancement of sexual harassment laws, the rights of pregnant workers and the strengthening orders of protection for victims of domestic violence.

Defunding PP

Dear Editor: We know that there are Catholics who support abortion. However, no one can support the harvesting of baby parts for sale on the open market. Where is the Catholic voice to defund Planned Parenthood? There are four ways to defund Planned Parenthood (PP). Three will not work because Obama can veto the bill. […]

Send Message on Abortion

Dear Editor: I agree with your guest columnist, John Garvey (“Using Technology to Humanize Unborn Life,” Aug. 27), about using technology to humanize the unborn child as a deterrent to abortions. This should be done via PSAs as the ones done on smoking have effectively stopped people from using cigarettes. Send a message to the […]