Catholic Pols Urged to Not Misrepresent Church

Comments made by Catholic legislators in New Mexico in support of abortion and physician-assisted suicide “do not represent” church teaching and “may be confusing to the Catholic faithful,” said the state’s Catholic bishops.

Teens Being Fed Fake News By the Secular Media

Teen Vogue is a magazine for teen and pre-teen girls that focuses on fashion, makeup, shopping and pop culture. Its Facebook page has been “liked” by almost six million people, undoubtedly most of them teenagers.

Norma McCorvey

Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff “Jane Roe” in the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion virtually on demand, died Feb. 18 at an assisted-living facility in Katy, Texas. She was 69.

Trump Axes Funds for Abortion

President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order Jan. 23 reinstating the “Mexico City Policy,” which bans all foreign nongovernmental organizations receiving U.S. funds from performing or promoting abortion as a method of family planning in other countries.

St. Louis Bishops Oppose City As a Sanctuary for Abortion

A proposed city ordinance seeks to make St. Louis a “sanctuary for abortion,” said Archbishop Robert J. Carlson, who called the measure an attack on the “most deeply held moral and religious convictions of the people of this great city.”

Children in the Womb

Within this past week, the first of the 2017 State Legislative Session, already the Democrats and the Republicans are debating abortion expansion.

A Pro-Life Year

2016 will forever be known as the year that the media got it wrong. The arrogance of those “opinion makers” was proven again and again through the year. It can be argued that most Americans believe that abortion is murder, plain and simple. It is apparent that abortion is something that the vast majority of Americans oppose.

Pope: Acts of Mercy Must Continue

Acknowledging and sharing God’s mercy is a permanent part of the Christian life, so initiatives undertaken during the special Year of Mercy must continue, Pope Francis said.

Ads Distort Church Teaching on Abortion

Ads appearing around the country “calling for taxpayer funding of abortion in the name of the Catholic faith” – an effort of the abortion advocacy group Catholics for Choice – are “deceptive” and promote “abortion as … a social good,” said Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan.

The Republican Platform

Dear Editor: I wonder whether some of your readers have read and understand the official 2016 platform of the Republican Party, or are they one-issue voters. Some seem to be concerned only with “restoring a Culture of Life” and while I too oppose abortion, I have read the full text of …