St. Nicholas of Tolentine parish, Jamaica, recently dedicated its new Mary Garden in honor of the Blessed Mother.
A project spearheaded by parishioner, Andrea Florendo, the garden was made possible by funds returned to the parish from last year’s Annual Catholic Appeal. Father John Francis, above, blesses the Mary Garden. (Photos courtesy Rose Ruesing)
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This Father’s Day will be extra special in East Flatbush as Father Jean Yvon Pierre, pastor of St. Jerome Church, will celebrate his 30th anniversary of priestly ordination surrounded by his parish family. All are welcome to the Mass of thanksgiving, this Sunday, June 21 at 4 p.m. Ad multos annos!
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Holy Name of Jesus Church, Park Slope, is offering a Solemn High Mass for Christians persecuted in the Middle East this Friday, June 19 at 7 p.m. Bishop-elect James Massa will be the main celebrant. The Mass will be followed by a short talk from Edward Clancy from Aid to the Church in Need. Call 718-768-3070.
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Get in touch with your inner Franciscan next week when Father Murray Bodo, a Franciscan priest and poet, visits St. Francis College in Brooklyn Heights, on June 24 at 3 p.m., to read his poems that have been inspired by St. Francis and St. Clare.
Father Bodo will read from several of his books of poetry, including “Of Francis and Clare” (2013), a collection of poems about St. Francis, his parents and St. Clare.
This free event will be held in Founders Hall. It is open to the public. For details, go to
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Sixty-five pints of blood were donated when the St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council No. 5911 held a blood drive at St. Anastasia, Douglaston, earlier this month. Helping the Knights were the young men of Boy Scout Troop No. 153.
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The Cursillo Movement is hosting its Ultreya de Campo on Saturday, June 20 at Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Asbury, N.J. Brooklyn Auxiliary Bishop Paul Sanchez will offer a 1 p.m. Mass.
All are welcome. For more details, contact Jesus, 646-515-0954, or Norberto, 347-239-5476.
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If you’ve always wanted to visit the Holy Land, the parish of Blessed Sacrament, Jackson Heights, is organizing a pilgrimage for Nov. 9-18 at a price of $2,998 per person. For more details, call Regina Tours at 1-800-228-4654, and ask for Angelica Villegas.
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Congratulations and best wishes to Arthur Aidala Esq., the new president of the Brooklyn Bar Association, which works to promote professional competence among lawyers and foster respect for the legal system.
Born and raised in Bay Ridge, Aidala, 47, was officially installed on June 17.
A former assistant district attorney, Aidala served under former Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes. After a subsequent run for City Council, he went into private practice to serve working Brooklyn families. His law firm, Aidala, Bertuna & Kamins, has offices in Dyker Heights and Manhattan.
When he’s not working, Aidala devotes his time to his 8-year-old son, Luca.
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The Indian community at Our Lady of the Snows in North Floral Park is gearing up for a solemn Mass and street procession celebrating the feast of St. Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception on July 19.
Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto will be the main celebrant of the 4 p.m. Mass. Bishop Thomas Mar Eusebius of the Syro-Malankana Catholic Exarchate in the U.S. will be the homilist. The recitation of the parish novena to St. Alphonsa will begin in the church on Friday, July 10 at the 9 a.m. Mass. All are welcome to take part and learn more about St. Alphonsa.