Twenty-five volunteers from National Grid’s Finance Department at Metrotech Brooklyn came to Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens Brooklyn Community Center and food pantry to help distribute 200 Thanksgiving turkey meals to the local community as part of their National Grid Day of Service. As part of their volunteer efforts, National Grid donated the 200 turkeys for the distribution.
The “fixings” were from the Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens food pantry. Catholic Charities CEO Robert Siebel poses with the volunteers from National Grid’s Metro Tech Brooklyn Office.
There is much to be thankful for at St. Pius X parish, Rosedale, where several parishioners have recently come forward to serve in parish ministries.
During November, Maria Fernandez, Urbano Lora, Charlotte Veronique and Arline Volcy were commissioned as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion; Raquel Del Rosario and Ghislane Lebon joined the ministry of lectors; and Emmanuel Fernandez was installed as an altar server. Way to go!
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio will visit Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Astoria, on Saturday, Dec. 7 to bless the two new stained-glass windows of the new church vestibule which features the crest of Pope Francis on one and his own episcopal crest on the other. At this time parishioners will also be able to congratulate the bishop on his 10th anniversary in the Brooklyn Diocese. All are welcome to attend the multi-lingual 5 p.m. Mass. For more information, call 718-278-1834.
Join Sister Ave Clark, O.P., for a special retreat night, Gift of Compassion: Coping with Loss During the Holidays, at Sacred Hearts-St. Stephen Chruch, Carroll Gardens, Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. For details, call 718-596-7750.
Mark your calendar for the New York Encounter Cultural Festival, Jan. 17-19 at in the Hammerstein Ballroom of The Manhattan Center. This three-day public cultural festival is centered around fascinating presentations, artistic performances, conferences, exhibits and information booths introducing a variety of charitable, cultural and work-related initiatives. The event is free and no registration is required. For more details, visit www.newyorkencounter.org.
Join the good people of St. John the Baptist parish, Bedford-Stuyvesant, for a Tim Janis Christmas Concert, Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m. in the church. All are welcome. For details, call 718-455-6864 ext. 2000.

New altar servers were installed Nov. 3, at St. Bernard’s parish, Mill Basin. Back row, from left, are Deacon Frank D’Accordo; Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, pastor; Deacon Chris Wagner; middle row: Taisha Charles, Shawanna Watson, Kevin Thiboutot; front row: Christopher Arcati, Julian Tait, Nicholas DeSena, and Salvatore Blafford.
Msgr. Fernando Ferrarese, pastor at Immaculate Conception parish, Astoria, has the parish schedule full for December. The parish will honor its patroness, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception on Monday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. There will be a festive multi-cultural Mass. Parishioners will bake and prepare desserts from their home countries for an International Desserts Celebration after the Mass in Lyons Hall. On Thursday, Dec. 12, the Mexican-American community in Astoria welcomes all parishioners to the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Empress of the Americas. Mass will be at 6 p.m. followed by Mexican food and dancing in Lyons Hall. On Sunday, Dec. 15 at 4 p.m. the parish will host a liturgical celebration of Lessons and Carols from Scripture and Carols from around the world. Six choirs will be performing (English, Spanish, Filipino, Children, Youth and Contemporary) plus guest soloists!!! This will be an unforgettable event for the whole family. Call 718-728-1613.