Before 450 family and friends, 86 students from the religious education program at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Astoria, received First Communion, May 16. Standing with the children are Msgr. Sean G. Ogle, pastor; Father Peter Nguyen, parochial vicar and religious education program moderator; and Nelly Espinal-Gutierrez, religious education program coordinator.
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Our Lady of Fatima School Honors Patroness

Each year on May 13, the students and staff of Our Lady of Fatima School in Jackson Heights, hold a special celebration in honor of their school patroness. This year, Auxiliary Bishop Paul Sanchez presided as schoolchildren dressed as the various apparitions of Mary recognized in different countries around the world.
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Single in the city? The Bay Ridge Singles Club of Our Lady of Angels parish, Bay Ridge, invites single adults, ages 45-70, to a Chinese dinner on June 6 at 5 p.m. in Dyker Heights.
For the full details, contact Mike at 718-833-1257 or mikericcio4@gmail.com.
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Rosary for Life will host a Day of Retreat on the “Culture of Life and the Family,” June 27, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Resurrection Church, Gerritsen Beach.
The presenter will be Father Rodnev Lapommeray.
The cost is $30 per person and includes lunch. Register by June 24. To regster, call Wyn Powers at
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All are welcome to attend Family Fun Day on June 6 at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Academy, Bushwick. Festivities begin at 10 a.m. with rock climbing, pony rides, bouncy houses, face painting, great food and music in addition to free facials, raffles and a flea market through 5 p.m.
For more information, call 718-386-9277 or visit www.sfc-ca.com.
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“Jesus as Lamb of God” is the theme of an upcoming Scripture study led by Father John Murray, C.Ss.R.
The session will be held in the rectory of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, Sunset Park, May 29 at 11 a.m. Participants should bring a Bible. To attend, call 718-492-9200.
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Save the date for the 20th anniversary celebration of the Dorothy Bennett Mercy Center, June 7, 2 p.m. at the Convent of Mercy, Fort Greene. For celebration details, call 718-622-7448 or visit www.dbmcenter.org.
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The fifth annual Grilling with God series, sponsored by the diocesan School of Evangelization, kicks off next month with weekly cookouts, guest speakers and a lively discussion of issues important to young adult Catholics.
They’re firing up the grill for the first session at Holy Child Jesus Church, Richmond Hill, June 4. Colin Nykaza, director of young adult outreach for the New York Archdiocese, will speak on “The Catholic Experience in NYC.” Meet in the Leonard Center for Holy Hour at 6 p.m. followed by a barbecue and discussion.
For more details, contact Paul Morisi, 718-965-7300 ext. 5556 or pmorisi@diobrook.org.