A St. Clare Medal of Honor was presented to June McGrisken on her retirement from St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights. McGrisken ’76, worked at her alma mater for 14 years, and was named the college’s executive vice president in 2011. Presenting the award for her years of service are, from left, Dr. Timothy Houlihan, interim president; John F. Tully, Esq., chairman of the board of trustees, and Kenneth D. Daly, who serves on the board of trustees. (Photo: St. Francis College via Facebook)
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Sacred Heart of Jesus parish, Bayside, has become a “Parish for Peace” with the Metro New York Chapter of Pax Christi.
Sacred Heart Justice and Peace Committee are planning a special opportunity for Massgoers to pray for peace in the nation and in the world at the regular 5 p.m. Mass on Sunday, Jan. 22. Redemptorist Father Francis Gargani will preside and preach.
All are welcome to attend.
For more information, call Sister Kathleen Masterson, R.S.M., pastoral associate at Sacred Heart, at 718-428-2200.
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Roll up those sleeves! The Little Doctors Program at St. Athanasius Catholic Academy, Bensonhurst, is sponsoring its annual blood drive on Thursday, Feb. 2 from 2 to 8 p.m. This is no ordinary blood donation experience!
Wearing white lab coats, fourth and fifth grade “Little Docs” will welcome you at the doors of the school auditorium and ensure your comfort while you wait to make your donation. Afterward, students provide donors with snacks and handwritten thank-you notes. To learn more, call 718-236-4791.
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This week’s Tip of the Tablet TALK Top Hat goes to Dr. Conrado “Bobby” Gempesaw, the president of St. John’s University, who was ranked sixth on City & State New York’s “Queens Power 50” list last fall.
City & State New York is a media publication that covers government, politics and business in New York. The “Queens Power 50” list features leaders of private industry, business executives, members of the public sector, nonprofits, leaders in higher education, labor organizers and community activists.
In honoring Dr. Gempesaw, the publication noted: “He is the first professional educator and lay person to run the institution, focusing heavily on improving the educational environment for students as well as expanding on partnerships with the community and abroad. The campus is an anchor of economic development in the heart of the borough and Gempesaw has made integration of the campus and the community a key part of his vision for the school.”
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Attention men: If you’re looking for an opportunity to grow in your faith and relationship with God in 2017, consider attending a Men’s Cursillo.
The four-day retreat includes daily Mass, a series of talks, visits to the Blessed Sacrament and Christian fellowship. The next weekend is scheduled for Feb. 23-26 at St. Josaphat’s Retreat House, Glen Cove, L.I. For more information, contact Rich Grillo at 516-528-6943 or email SaRi77@aol.com.
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In conjunction with alumna Nicole Sullivan, the kindergarten class at St. Mel Catholic Academy, Flushing, collected toiletries and made personalized thank-you cards for recently deployed U.S. soldiers last month. Students wanted to thank the soldiers for protecting the country and making the great sacrifice of being away from home, especially during Christmastime.
The kindergartners also visited soldiers at the Whitestone Armory, where they brought candy and Christmas cards.
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Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, will host its annual Card Party/Gift Auction at The Rex Manor on Thursday, March 30. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person.
To reserve seats – or make a donation – contact Lorraine Macca: Lmacca@kearneyhs.org or 718-236-6363, ext. 246.
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If you have suffered the loss of a spouse through death, divorce or separation, the Beginning Experience is a graced-filled weekend to enable you to move on and experience a sense of peace and hope for the future.
The Beginning Experience is a Catholic ministry that has been helping people in Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island for more than 30 years.
The next weekend is Feb. 24-26 at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore, L.I. For more information, or to register, call Mary at 516-413-6209, Jim at 718-474-3779 or John at 516-822-0635.
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Submit Tablet TALK items to megiossi@desalesmedia.org.