Students from the Anti-Bullying Club (ABC) at St. Edmund Prep, Sheepshead Bay, held a workshop for students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades who attend St. Edmund Elementary School. The powerful presentation consisted of skits depicting what bullying is and showing students the right and wrong way to handle different bullying situations. The St. Edmund Prep ABC Club also did a piece on the truths and myths of bullying and cyber bullying. The students held a question-and-answer session at the end so that students could ask about bullying, how to prevent it and what to do if they witness it. One of the most interesting questions, however, had to do with why people bully others and what they get out of it. At the end of the presentation, the students were given a purple bracelet saying, “Be Happy – Bullies Hate It.” Moderator Nancy Lundy said: “Bringing awareness to others and having an open, honest and safe conversation with others is the best way to start eliminating bullying.”