Ask The Doctor

Spring Is the Season For Kidney Stones

Dear Dr. Garner,

Last week, I had the worst pain of my life. While I am a man and have never been pregnant, the feeling I had is what I imagine my wife felt during the delivery of our daughter.

The pain turned out to be kidney stones, and fortunately, my doctor was able to treat them.

Foremost on my mind is whether I should expect a recurrence anytime soon. Is there any way I can prevent the stones from developing again?

Kidney stones and moans in Midwood


Dear Kidney Stones,

You have endured what is known to be the most painful affliction of humans aside from pregnancy.

The kidney stone is actually a small rock that forms in the kidney. It can either stay in the kidney or move further down a tube called the ureter, which leads from the kidney to the bladder. This tube carries urine from the kidney to the bladder for excretion.

The problem arises when a stone gets stuck somewhere in the tube causing severe pain and blockage of the kidney.

While anyone can form a stone, some are more likely than others to develop it. These include:

• Males

• Caucasians

• Those who are overweight

• Those with kidney infections

• Those who have family members with kidney stones

• Those who have had a previous case of kidney stones

• Those who eat a lot of meat and eggs

• Those who do not drink enough liquid

Kidney stones occur most frequently in the spring. Some believe this be due to the fact that we become dehydrated as we go outdoors for physical activity after the long winter. Getting enough fluid is an important part in prevention of stones.

What causes the kidney stone? The stone forms from different crystals in the urine that can come together, usually when one is dehydrated or has a lot of crystals. There are many different types of stones, and the cause is better understood once the type of kidney stone is determined. For example, stones made of calcium may be caused by drinking too much milk or dairy products or from taking too many supplements.

What can you do when you have a stone?

First and foremost, drink water to try to flush the stone out – this may take two to three quarts a day. Pain relievers may help, and you should try to remain active.

There are certain medicines that can dissolve stones which may work.

Certain stones may be treated with ultrasound waves, known as lithotripsy in which the stone is blasted by sound waves into little pieces and then flows out in the urine.

Some lifestyle changes may also help. These include eating a diet low in salt and animal protein and limiting the use of calcium supplements.

Once the stones have passed or been treated, there are some simple ways to reduce recurrence. First, drink plenty of water all day to flush the crystals out of the urine. Second, drink less beer. In addition to dehydrating you, it contains crystals which can form stones. Third, eat less meat. Animal proteins are high in certain crystals which can form stones.

With the proper lifestyle change, you can definitely reduce your chance of developing another kidney stone.[hr] Dr. Garner is a Fidelis Care provider who is affiliated with New York Methodist Hospital, Park Slope. He also hosts “Ask the Doctor” on The NET, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on Channel 97 Time Warner and Channel 30 Cablevision.