St. John’s University, Jamaica, fencing alumnus Daryl Homer won not one, but two gold medals at the Pan-American Championships in Montreal in mid-June. He won first place in both the team and individual competition – marking the seventh-straight year that he won at least one gold medal at the international fencing tournament. Homer, a Bronx native who is ranked the No. 3 fencer in the world, won a silver medal at the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
St. Dominic’s parish, Bensonhurst, hosts its inaugural St. Dominic’s Cup Indoor Soccer Tournament, Aug. 5 at 2 p.m. A championship game follows on Aug. 6, 2:30 p.m. Spanish communities from the parishes of St. Athanasius, Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Mary Mother of Jesus have entered teams.