Sister Eugenia Calabrese, C.S.J., a member of the Leadership Team of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood, L.I., since 2006, and former principal of St. Joseph H.S., Downtown Brooklyn, died Nov. 1. She was in the 60th year of religious life.

She entered the congregation in 1956 from Our Lady Help of Christians parish, Midwood. After obtaining her degrees in education and administration, she began a prolific ministry ranging from teaching to congregational/diocesan leadership positions.
She served on the board of trustees of Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst; the Convey Study Committee, the Inner City CSJ Ministry Committee, the Crown Heights Pastoral Council working towards the goals and revitalization of inner city ministry, the Inner City Principals Committee, the Diocesan Pastoral Council, and the financial committee on subsidized schools and the budget committee of the diocese.
Formerly known as Sister Miriam Sylvester, her teaching ministries included St. Angela Hall Academy, Clinton Hill, 1960-62; St. Francis de Sales, Belle Harbor, 1962-63; Our Lady of Victory, Bedford-Stuyvesant, 1963-66; Academia Santa Monica, Santurce, Puerto Rico, 1966-67; St. Philip Neri, Northport, L.I., 1967-68; St. Gabriel, East New York, 1968-70; and Sacred Heart Academy, Hempstead, L.I., 1982-87.
She served as principal of St. Teresa of Avila, Prospect Heights, 1970-73; and St. Teresa of Avila/Holy Spirit, Brooklyn, 1973-82; and St. Joseph H.S., 1990-2006.
She was the parish manager of St. Gregory the Great, Bellerose, 1987-90; generalate, councillor, Brentwood, 2006-11; generalate, councillor/general treasurer, Brentwood, 2011-15.
A Mass of Christian Burial took place in Sacred Heart Chapel, Brentwood. Interment followed in Calvary Cemetery, Brentwood.
Thinking about Sister Eugenia today. Hoping her heavenly prayers are being answered. It’s been a year since her passing but not a day goes by that she isn’t thought about. Thanks for allowing me to work for you for 10 years at St.Teresa’s/Holy Spirit. It changed my life.