Our Youth

Reflect upon the following: “The hungry ask us for dignity, not charity.” — Pope Francis

Jamie Camera, junior St. Saviour H.S. Jamie Camera, junior
St. Saviour H.S.

It is a basic human right to eat everyday, but some are not able to do that. When people feed the hungry, we are giving them a basic human necessity that everyone needs. When people go to sleep hungry because of a lack of food, we are saying they are less than human.


Ashley Caban, junior St. Saviour H.S.

Ashley Caban, junior
St. Saviour H.S.

I, myself, do charity for the hungry. But I feel like it is not enough. They need to be viewed as people. Who knows what they went through. No one should feel humiliated or embarrassed about being poor and if someone needs help, he or she should not be looked down upon.



Ashley Brunache, senior St. Saviour H.S. Ashley Brunache, senior
St. Saviour H.S.

People who are hungry don’t want to be looked down on as defeated. They want to be looked upon as people and to be respected. The hungry are humble and that’s how they want all to be.