
Raised in Brooklyn’s Catholic Orphanages

by David Gibson

“Raised in the Church: Growing Up in New York City’s Catholic Orphanages” by Edward Rohs and Judith Estrine. Fordham University Press (New York, 2012). 228 pp., $22.95.

“I remember being lonely, but I was never alone,” writes Edward Rohs in “Raised in the Church,” his moving, true story of growing up from the age of six months until he was 19 in the Catholic orphanage system of Brooklyn.
Rohs’ mother and her boyfriend brought him to the Mercy Sisters’ Angel Guardian Home in Brooklyn in 1946. At that time, immediately after World War II, orphanages experienced a “huge influx of infant baby boomers and young children.”
Some of these were the children of war widows “who could not support their family.” Some, like Rohs, were “babies born to unmarried women.”
Rohs eventually learned that his mother “was a poor young woman of German descent who worked in a factory in Brooklyn.” She “was poorly educated and possessed few skills.”
He notes, too, that unwed mothers in that era frequently “were shunned by their families.” Some brought their child to an orphanage in order to “marry without the shame and responsibility that came with being an unwed mother,” he explains.
The author’s mother and father eventually married, but never agreed to take him back. For some reason his parents also never signed papers allowing him to be considered for adoption.
Angel Guardian Home was the first of the five institutions in which Rohs lived. Because “the Catholic orphanage system in the 1950s and 1960s separated children by age and by gender,” Rohs remained in each institution only until he “aged out” and was sent to the next one.
Positive Relationships
Frequently today, news reports tell about the past abuse of children in Church schools and homes in various countries. Against that background, I suspect many readers will feel refreshed at hearing much that Rohs tells of his relationships with the sisters and religious brothers who raised him.
He felt “homesick” at age 11 when he moved to St. John’s Home for Boys, run by the Marianist Brothers. For the first time he found himself in a place with “no sisters.” Before long, however, one of the Marianists was added to Rohs’ “list of men I wanted to be like when I grew up.”
Mercy Sister Johanna McLaughlin was one of the strong women in Rohs’ early childhood. Much later, she served as a unique information source when, as an adult, he sought to understand the circumstances surrounding his entrance into the orphanage system.
Some readers will draw inspiration from Sister Johanna’s sister, a laywoman named Katherine McCarthy. She first became a caring presence in Rohs’ life when he was 4.
“Aunt Katherine” provided a long-lasting, hospitable connection to the world beyond the institutions Rohs inhabited. He came to welcome her gift of treating him as someone “special.”
The author does, however, tell about two unwelcome incidents involving a religious brother who visited the orphanage briefly and attempted to abuse him sexually while he was asleep in bed. Thinking he would not be believed, Rohs did not report this at the time. Many years later he revealed to the brothers at the home what happened.
“The sad part is that all the brothers who work year-round” at the home “are really good and dedicated people,” Rohs writes.
“No child should grow up in an institution,” Rohs concludes. Despite its limitations, though, he insists not all was bad about the orphanage system.
For example, Rohs speaks “for the most part” of feeling “safe and secure during those 19 years of care.” On the negative side, he found too little in the way of privacy or individual attention.
“Raised in the Church” is the story of Brooklyn’s post-war Catholic orphanage system. The book reminds us that every generation is challenged to find ways to take care of children whose parents cannot do so.
Happily, it appears that Rohs’ heightened social conscience took form in these very circumstances. Not surprisingly, after living so long with so many boys of various races and ethnicities, and witnessing the issues in their lives firsthand, he went on to spend much of his adult life working with youths.[hr] Gibson was the founding editor of Origins, Catholic News Service’s documentary service. He retired in 2007 after holding that post for 36 years.

5 thoughts on “Raised in Brooklyn’s Catholic Orphanages

  1. can you help direct me to get info?
    1} a marriage certificate from a parish, yet to be determined, for my parents about 1936-39?
    2) record of my mother and her siblings in an orphanage in 1919?
    thanks for your help.

  2. Looking for information about St. Joseph’s Hall. A children’s residence who were removed from parents for various reasons. This was located at 735 Willoughby Avenue in Brooklyn. They also had a summer residence called St. Joseph’s Villa where I worked as a counselor in 1970 and 71. I’m looking to make contact with other staff members from that time as well as former “campers”. Working there with those children was something I’ll never forget. I hope and pray that the children I knew there all grew up to have happy full lives. What happened to the building on Willoughby Street? I know the Villa was sold and torn down by LILCO in 2001.

  3. My father and his brothers were raised in St.John’s in Brooklyn from any 1927 or 28 to abt 1940 when he ages out. My dad always wanted answers. As much as I searched i came up with nothing. After he passed away i did finally get someone to help me. They microfiche and sent me a lot of his records which were very interesting. If love to find if they have pictures of year books. I was told by the woman who helped me that my dad and uncles were referred to as THE KING BOYS. Although my dad had such a sad upbringing, he raised 9 kids and was an amazing Dad. He had a good outlook on what he went through. He said it was the depression. People had no food and nowhere to live but he did. He made lemonade out of his lemons. If you can help me more p!ease contact me. Thank you

  4. My sister and I were placed in St. Joseph Hall Brooklyn tried for yrs. to get information with out success. Anyone have information or pictures of Brooklyn site or Long Island camping grounds. My memories are great and as part of my history want it listed.

  5. My sister and I were placed in St. Joseph Hall Brooklyn tried for yrs. to get information with out success. Anyone have information or pictures of Brooklyn site or Long Island camping grounds. My memories are great and as part of my history want it listed. 2021