This past week, the Vatican sponsored a workshop for formators and vocation directors of religious orders of women and men from around the world. It culminated in an audience with Pope Francis, who himself is a member of a religious order, the Jesuits.
This week, the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, an American association of religious sisters and nuns is sponsoring a follow-up conference for sisters involved in formation and vocation work at the Domus Guadalupe in Rome and one of the presenters is Brooklyn’s own Father John Cush, who is speaking on the importance of theological study in the formation of young religious sisters.
At the international meeting, Pope Francis encouraged these religious women and men to “transmit the beauty of consecration with their own witness” and reminded the religious witness of a novice master begins with “a strong friendship with the only Master” – Christ.
Religious women daily give witness just by their state of life. The vows of poverty, chastity and obedience are eschatological signs of the Kingdom of God. Their very existence points to the life to come; their presence helps us to realize what our lives are really all about.
Depending solely on Jesus, they give themselves to the Lord by pouring themselves out in loving service and prayer for us and for our salvation. They are our sisters, walking along the pathway to the Lord in solidarity with us, their brothers and sisters.
In this year dedicated to consecrated life, what religious sisters, living or deceased, have shown you true witness? What religious sisters transmitted the love of Jesus to you in your lives? Write to let us know!