Students at St. Francis Prep geared up for the canonization of Pope John Paul II by participating in a nation-wide essay contest under the theme: “If Pope John Paul II were alive today, what would he do to bring peace to the world?”
The Fresh Meadows school is the only high school in New York City to participate in the contest.
Freshman Ronan Murphy was declared the winner for his school by faculty members.
The following is Murphy’s winning essay:
Pope John Paul II: Ever Present

Pope John Paul II is alive in today’s world. He is the heartbeat of the unborn child, and the last struggling breaths of a fragile lung. He is among us, like a seedling under the snow. All of these beautiful images depict fragility and courage. So did the life of Blessed John Paul II. He lived among tragic beauty and with stalwart strength. He was, and always will be, a beacon of hope in the dark wavy sea of humanity.
Pope John Paul II continues to be alive today because he is a constant reminder of what love is and what peace requires: the absence of fear. He called us, as Jesus did, to simply: Be not afraid.
The wide cast depends upon the fearless forces that hold the netting. When Pope John Paul led our church, he instructed us all to “not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Pope John Paul II let the net go farther and deeper, patiently awaiting the catch. The catch and the call for freedom. Freedom not without limits, not without obstacles, but always without fear.
Absence of conflict in our world is not probable; such is the human condition. As Pope John Paul II predicts, however, “Peace will be the last word of history.” That history can only be written by the fearless, remembering that peace, like courage, does not come from us, but through us.