Married couples who wish to learn the Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP) are invited to attend an Introductory Session, sponsored by the Office of Faith Formation – Marriage Ministry, March 21, 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston.
The sacrament of marriage symbolizes Christ’s relationship with His Church, a relationship of generous, self-sacrificing passion-filled and fruitful love. When married couples live their vocation according to Church teachings, especially with regard to the transmission of life, many benefits can be reaped.
Married couples who use NFP report that the benefits include: better communication between spouses; deeper understanding of each other’s bodies and consequent growth in respect and awe of God’s gift of fertility; growth in patience and emotional maturity; growth in understanding of the supreme gift of children; and spiritual growth as they seek to place God as the head of the household. Helping couples to deepen conjugal love and achieve responsible parenthood is part of the Church’s total pastoral ministry to Catholic spouses.
Fulfillment of this ministry includes both education and pastoral care. This means “instilling conviction and offering practical help to those who wish to live out their parenthood in a truly responsible way” (Familiaris consortio, No. 35).
When married couples live their vocation according to Church teachings, many benefits can be reaped. Married couples who use NFP report better communication and deeper respect for God’s gift of fertility.
If you did not attend pre-cana within the last 12 months, the fee for NFP classes is $60 per couple.
For further details or dates of upcoming NFP-Billings Ovulation classes, contact the Office of Faith Formation at 718-281-9540 or Classes are available in English and Spanish.