Almost 70 children and adults from St. Mary’s Church, Long Island City, are participating in the parish’s annual Christmas pageant, recounting the birth of the Newborn King with story telling, song and instrumenal music. Children star as shepherds, angels and animals in the stable, while adult parishioners are taking on the roles Joseph and Mary, and the people of Bethlehem. This year, a young child has the honor of portraying Jesus. The first performance was held in early December and all of the participants will repeat the sounding joy on Christmas Eve as part of the 5 p.m. Family Mass. All are welcome.
Sister Ave Clark, O.P., author of the new book, “Arthur: Thank You For Being Jesus’ Love,” will be interviewed on The Christophers’ radio program this Sunday, Dec. 17 at 8:30 a.m. Tune your dial to 1430 AM.
The book tells the story of a man named Arthur Mirell who loved courageously with a mental illness. Far more than a story, it is the way Mirell chose to live his life that will offer you challenges, inspirations and opportunities to become more loving, peace-filled and joyous for and with one another.
Her book is available for purchase on Amazon.com and also by calling Heart to Heart Ministry at 718-428-2471.
Ladies, plan now to start the new year off right with a Cursillo weekend. It is a three-day course in Christian faith that enables participants to deepen their relationship with Christ.
A Women’s Cursillo is scheduled for Jan. 25-28 at St. Joseph Retreat House in Glen Cove, L.I. For more information, or to register, contact Beth Barker, director, at 631-831-6074 or Beth1160@optonline.net.
The Green Team at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament parish, Bayside, is already beginning to plan for its next Art and Photo Show in the new year. The themes will be creation and care of the poor. Paintings, drawing and photographs will be acceptable for submission.
The Little Sisters of the Poor, who serve God by ministering to the elderly poor, invite single Catholic women, ages 16-38, who are interested in exploring consecrated life to join them in Queens Village for an Epiphany Discernment Weekend, Jan. 5-7.
This is an opportunity to see and learn more about the Little Sisters’ charism and way of life.
To RSVP, contact Sister Mary Richard, l.s.p., at 718-464-4920 or vocationsbrooklyn@littlesisters-ofthepoor.org.
Looking for a nice place to ring in the new year?
Head over to Our Lady of Mercy parish, Forest Hills. Parishioners and clergy will gather on New Year’s Eve for a 7 p.m. Mass in Latin and English, followed by a dinner dance in the parish hall.
Tickets are $70 and they are in limited supply. Call 718-268-6143 to reserve your seats.
Haitians living in the Brooklyn Diocese will celebrate Haitian Independence Day with a 1 p.m. Mass at SS. Joachim and Anne Church, Queens Village, on Monday, Jan. 1.
Men who are considering a vocation to the priesthood are invited to an Evening of Fraternity on Monday, Dec. 18 at the St. John Paul II House of Discernment in Cypress Hills.
To participate, call the diocesan Vocations Office at 718-827-2454.
Williamsburg is a bit brighter on these wintry nights now that the Christmas lights are on at the Shrine Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, pastor, held a tree lighting extravaganza for parishioners and the local community.
Submit news, photos and announcements to Tablet TALK by emailing megiossi@desalesmedia.org.