by Katie McCague
The combined youth ministry of St. Stanislaus Kostka and Transfiguration parish, Maspeth, took to heart Pope Benedict XVI’s call to learn the teachings of the Catholic Church through the Year of Faith.
They held a prayer service to help them better understand the feasts of All Saints and All Souls.
Father Paul Wood, pastor and youth ministry leader, led the youth in an evening of quiet prayer and meditation at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church.
Youth leaders Brittany Madlinger from St. Joseph’s College and Katie McCague from St. Francis College led the prayers for departed family, departed friends, departed clergy and forgotten dead.
However, the occasion was not all somber. After the service, the teens had their annual Halloween party with music, games and food.
The day was meant to fulfill the group’s mission statement, which is to provide a supportive, Christ-centered environment where teenagers may develop spiritually, physically, and socially, so that they may know Christ as their Lord and Savior.