Letters to the Editor

Life’s Lessons at C.K.

Dear Editor: It was a breath of fresh air to read the article (Jan. 23) about the wonderful work of fostering a culture of life that Christ the King H.S., Middle Village, has done with its young people. The principal, vice principal, and faculty should be commended. The article goes into the three-week lessons ending with the March for Life in Washington on Jan. 22.

In the social studies classes, students learn about the history of Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion in the U.S. In their health class, they learn about the effects of abortion on a woman’s body. In their religion classes, the teachers explain the Catholic Church’s teaching and position on life issues. The children were taught The Gospel of Life!

To quote the words of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, “Children growing up in the wake of the Roe v. Wade decision in which the Supreme Court legalized abortion have been taught since they were infants that is alright to kill… It is alright to kill as long as the person is inconvenient to you and fits into a certain category.”

The children were also taught that there are alternatives to abortion. We, at The Bridge To Life, our local crisis pregnancy center, would love to see groups of young people coming to volunteer at our centers. I would love to see more of our Catholic schools taking on the cause for life. Our babies are counting on us.


Fresh Meadows

Editor’s Note: Catherine Donohoe is President of the board of directors of The Bridge to Life.


Dear Editor: I commend the administrators, faculty and students of Christ the King H.S. who have created and participated in a cross-curriculum on the “right to life” issue. Probing the depth and breadth of this moral issue involves an exploration of history, law, politics, science, psychology, ethics and religion, all in the search for truth.

The truth is that abortion ends the life of a human being; that it often psychologically devastates the father and mother; that it coarsens the culture and desensitizes society-at-large to violence. It is a manifestation of failure to love. Ultimately, it is a refusal to recognize the fetus in the womb as a child of God.

Hopefully, the students will come to realize the obfuscations created by the misuse and misunderstanding of the word “choice” and the phrase “personal freedom.”

I pray that the students exposed to all of this information in their English, science, and social studies classes will be informed and strengthened enough to choose the “good” in their personal lives and emboldened enough to share the truth of what they have discovered with their family and friends.


Malverne, L.I.

One thought on “Life’s Lessons at C.K.

  1. It is great the CK High School is promoting the message of Life, however I believe that this message must start earllier that is in grammar school. I know that there is no need to provide the gory details to very young children to protect their innocence, however the Pro Choice (pro abortion) advocates are getting their message out to very young girls. I recently read (and I’m taking this at face value since it coming from a Clinton) that Chelsea Clinton claims she left her Methodist religion at six (6) years of age since they didn’t believe in abortion. Since Bill and Hillary are as radical as they come I will not doubt that the indoctrination started that young.