Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of September 7, 2024

Father McGivney Showed Me the Way to Jesus 

Dear Editor: Blessed Father Michael McGivney, who started the Knights of Columbus in the 1880s, is one step closer to sainthood. 

A miracle was attributed to the intercession of Blessed Father McGivney through prayers by the parents of Michael McGivney Schachle, who was named after the late priest. 

The doctors gave no hope, but the child did survive and continued to live years later. 

I, at age 65, had come down with an aggressive prostate cancer. I prayed to Blessed Father McGivney on the day of my surgery and was cured eight years later. I’m still around. 

Father McGivney needs one more miracle to be canonized. As reported, this may have taken place at St. Joseph in Connecticut for his beatification. 

The Knights of Columbus is a charity organization that has donated over $187 million, committed 77 million hours to charity, and has two million members. Father McGivney started the organization to help immigrants and their families in the 1880s. 

I can appreciate what the Knights do because I have been Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911 in Douglaston for 17 years. My council has been involved with a number of charity activities that helped during COVID-19, with funds for soup kitchens and food pantries. We have also been involved with blood drives over the years, which have saved many lives. 

I would like to thank Father McGivney for showing me the way to my savior, Jesus Christ. 

Frederick Robert Bedell Jr. 


Honor Thy Father & Mother 

Dear Editor: I’m hoping that readers of The Tablet realize the importance of voting “No” on New York Proposition #1 on Tuesday, Nov. 5th. 

New York State could have more authority than parents in making important medical decisions for children. 

Minors could have the right to undergo irreversible transgender procedures without their parents’ notice or consent. 

Biological males could be allowed to compete against biological females in school sports without restrictions. 

God bless all of our parents, godparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, priests, nuns, and guardians for we need all the love and support for all of God’s children. 

Madeleine Santangelo Palumbo 

Sea Cliff, NY

In Response to the Dowds’ Letter 

Dear Editor: The letter of Mr. and Mrs. Dowd (“9/11 Plea Deal Revoked, Aug. 24”) laments a “deafening silence” in the annual mourning of 9/11 atrocities. 

I agree, but not a silence of the absence of political platitudes. What few acknowledge is that the true source of the “monsters” whose deaths are loudly applauded is from the same source that cries for their extermination: religious zealotry. 

The persistence of terrorism both before and since 9/11 demonstrates (“demonstrare” being the Latin root of “monster”) that there is no stopping the insane desires of the zealot once convinced that God is his inspiration. 

Without addressing the root, there is no possibility of its elimination. 

One of the characters in the TV series “Blue Bloods” once remarked that all wars boil down to “I’m taking your house, and God says it’s O.K.” 

Edward R. Dorney 

Park Slope

Shroud of Turin Discovery Is Great News for Catholics 

Dear Editor: What an uplifting moment of faith (New Study Contends Shroud of Turin Actually Dates to Time of Jesus, Aug. 31). 

However, our faith is fully supported by science, and to that end we not only believe what we do not always understand, but we now have it reaffirmed for us scientifically. 

What more could we want? 

Joseph Sciame 

New Hyde Park, NY