Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of September 28, 2024

Speaking Clearly

Dear Editor: Of our vote in the presidential election, Pope Francis is reported as saying, “To send migrants away, to leave them wherever you want, to leave them … it’s something terrible, there is evil there To send away a child from the womb of the mother is an assassination because there is life. We must speak about these things clearly.” Then, the pope added that one should vote, though the choice should be the lesser of the two evils. While circumstances cannot make an evil act good, attending to them can be helpful in determining what is the lesser of the two evils.

One comparison would be the number of those involved in each instance. Applying 2020 statistics to 2025, one could conclude that the number of migrants forced to leave would be over 400,000, and the number “forced” to leave the womb of a mother would be over 900,000.

While the migrants would still have a chance to live and protect themselves from such harm, the aborted would have lost the chance to do either.

Father W. Jerome Bracken, C.P.


Speaking Clearly

Dear Editor: Pope Francis has told us that he considers both of our presidential candidates to be in opposition to Church teaching. Without naming names, he said one of them supported what the Church considers to be the murder of unborn infants and that the other violates the command to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

A party that supports abortion is beyond comment. It’s just completely wrong. However, it’s just as wrong to preach fear and hatred for your neighbor. If that candidate truly loved his neighbor, he would send a brass band and launch happy balloons at our southern border to welcome the migrants from Central and South America.

We know that he loves himself “bigly.”

Garrett Dempsey


Secret Service Protection For Trump

Dear Editor: After the second attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life, President Biden’s reply was the same as the first time, “Violence is never acceptable.” In reality, his response should have been that he would immediately issue an executive order guaranteeing Trumphas the same Secret Service protection he enjoys.

Also, it’s been pointed out that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has the power to do the same. What are they waiting for?

Thomas and Constance Dowd

Oakland Gardens

Proud to Support AA

Dear Editor: The Tablet has been spotlighting stories of sobriety in recognition of National Revery Month. As the pastor of the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph-St. Teresa of Avila Parish, I am proud to make known that our parish opens its doors to multiple 12-step program meetings weekly.

At St. Teresa of Avila parish office and hall, we host Alcoholics Anonymous meetings on Monday at 7 p.m., Tuesday & Wednesday (7 a.m.), and have recently begun hosting a NARANON meeting on Monday, also at 7 p.m. I have witnessed in my priesthood the effects of addiction on families and individuals. Therefore, I realize how important it is to give opportunities for these meetings to take place.

The road to an addiction-free life is not easy. Hopefully, our local church can help make it less difficult by allowing more opportunities for 12-step meeting space.

Father Christopher R. Heanue

Prospect Heights

Harris Vetting Process Revisited

Dear Editor: Regarding a letter by Thomas and Constance Dowd (“We Should All Know How the Constitution Works,” Sept.14), who say Vice President Kamala Harris was not properly vetted, their first point is that she never won a single primary. While I, too, hoped for fair and impartial moderators of the September 10th presidential debate, I’m compelled to point out that winning — nay, even holding — a primary is not part of the Constitution.

Our first two presidents were chosen by electors who were themselves chosen by state delegates, not the populous. That system was replaced by Congressional caucuses, which, in turn, were replaced by conventions. The first primary was not held until 1892.

Frank Bolton

Park Slope