Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of October 19, 2024

Thank You for the Bishop Sheen Article 

Dear Editor: I want to thank The Tablet for the recent story on Bishop Fulton Sheen (“Bishop Sheen’s Iconic TV Shows Come to NET-TV,” Sept. 28) and the news that we will once again enjoy the “Life is Worth Living” shows that we faithfully watched many years ago in our youth. 

He was a truly inspirational speaker, and he was blessed by God with the talent to reach a wide audience. 

What a gift. We couldn’t be happier. 

Thomas and Constance Dowd 

Oakland Gardens 

Editor’s note: The original black and white kinescope shows have been digitally remastered and will be broadcast on NET-TV every Wednesday at 9 p.m. 

The Truth Behind Proposal 1 

Dear Editor: Proposal 1 is on the ballot on Election Day on page 2. 

Bishop Robert Brennan and all the bishops of New York State are urging us to vote NO on Proposal 1. 

The proposal is disguised as an Equal Rights Amendment for women, but in reality, it will make it easier for children to get gender-affirming drugs and surgeries without needing parental consent. 

It will allow males to compete in girls’ and women’s sports. It will allow men in women’s dressing rooms and bathrooms. 

And when you oppose these changes, you will be accused of discrimination. 

Even though the bishops and children’s rights groups have put out statements against Proposal 1, many people are not aware that it is on the ballot on Election Day. On Sunday, I spoke with two very good and active Catholics, and they did not know that Proposal 1 was on the ballot. 

The Church has to do a better job. If we put our money where our mouth is and make commercials for TV and radio, it would educate the public more effectively. 

Our priests have to speak clearly and loudly on this issue. Catholics and others must tell their families and neighbors to vote NO on Proposal 1 on Nov. 5th. 

This is very urgent, and the outcome will affect our future. 

Tim Haggerty 

Rockaway Park 

Editor’s note: To review our coverage of Bishop Brennan’s stance on Proposal 1, visit thetablet.org. The Tablet has also done extensive reporting on the controversial measure.

All Praise for Bishop Chappetto’s Uncle 

Dear Editor: I wanted to say thanks to senior writer Bill Miller for his excellent article (“Lt. Chappetto Honored With Park Rededicated 80 Years After Death,” Oct. 5). 

I have known Bishop Chappetto for years, but I never knew he had a hero uncle who had a park named after him in Astoria. 

I’m also fascinated that he has his uncle’s medals. As a career Air Force officer with two tours in Vietnam, I hope someday to see these medals. 

Coincidentally, I was able to visit the Manila American Cemetery in 1970 and the Punchbowl in Honolulu in 1971. 

Since Lt. Chappetto was buried at sea, I don’t understand why his name was posted on the Missing in Action wall. Technically, he wasn’t missing but honorably buried at sea. 

Vincent Maligno 

Staten Island

Just War Theory 

Dear Editor: The Tablet editorial (“Evaluating the Moral Imperatives of War,” Oct. 12) gives a superb classroom summary of Just War Theory and, with the earth-dooming spread of nuclear warfare, cites all recent popes, especially Francis’s, condemnation of all war. 

As America increases its nuclear weapons, while not even signing the United Nations’ “no first use pledge,” we have to choose whether we are American Catholics or Catholics in America. 

Are we passive adjectives or active verbs contesting both major political parties? 

James R. Kelly 

Bay Ridge