Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of October 12, 2024

2024 Election Woes 

Dear Editor: You hear it on everyone’s lips: “I can’t wait for this election to be over.” 

I believe everyone is tired of the name-calling, the list of negative things the opposition did, the list of positive things they will do, and on and on it goes. 

As fully informed Catholics, we have an obligation to look at each candidate with clear eyes. 

We need to see what will be best for our country. Who will uphold the Constitution and our rule of law, represent us with dignity on the foreign stage, and select unbiased Supreme Court justices? 

This is not a one-issue decision but a many-issue one. We must be vigilant and discerning in our choice for the good of our country and its future. 

Let us hope that the noise will stop, and after the noise, a good choice will be made by all. 

Maria F. Mastromarino 

Manalapan, NJ

A ‘Pro-Life’ Decision 

Dear Editor: It has been said that the soul of all law is reason. 

Reason encourages me to listen to science. 

When it informs me that there is human life in the womb of the mother, reason also encourages me, as a voter from a Judeo-Christian background, to obey God’s commandment that I should not kill. 

Therefore, reason prompts me to vote for those who have the least chance of taking a life — the baby in the womb — or the migrant. 

It’s up to you to decide. 

Thomas Patrick Brislin 


Mayor Adams Indicted 

Dear Editor: Mayor Eric Adams has just been indicted on federal corruption charges. I say, ”Mayor Adams, say it isn’t so, Eric.” 

He is the first mayor to be indicted in New York City history while in office. The mayor says it’s payback for complaining about President Joe Biden’s migrant crisis. 

Therefore, he feels he is a target. Maybe yes, maybe no. 

But I do believe a person is not guilty until found guilty by a jury or a judge. I have served on many juries and understand that only too well. That is how our justice system works. 

However, I think the mayor ought to resign for the good of the people of this great city. 

The mayor has many legal problems right now and needs to deal with these issues. The people of the city need a full-time mayor who can deal with the problems of our city. The people of our city demand a full-time mayor. 

Frederick R. Bedell Jr. 


Suggestions for Needed New Programs 

Dear Editor: I think that it would be good if an organization P.A. (Prisoners Anonymous) existed for men and women both in prison and those who have been released from prison where they could share their experience, strength and hopes with each other. 

I suggest that P.A. be modeled on A.A. and Al-Anon’s 12 steps and traditions. 

P.S. I also think that H.A. (Homeless Anonymous) should exist, again, where men and women could share their experiences, strengths and hopes with each other. 

I spoke with homeless veterans who thought it was a good idea. 

Daniel Sabatos 

Dobbs Ferry