Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of March 2, 2024

A Beautiful Homily 

Dear Editor: Thank you to The Tablet for printing Bishop Brennan’s homily given at his mother’s funeral Mass. 

I have been to a few Masses of priests’ moms, and I always marvel at how they are able to function with such grace. 

Such was the case for the funeral Mass for Patricia Brennan. The bishop’s homily was just beautiful. 

He told of his mother’s faith, their family life, the devotion between her and his father. I love the way the bishop wove Scripture into his homily at just the right juncture. 

Mrs. Brennan sounded like a lovely lady, a true follower of Christ caring for her family without complaint. A true role model. 

By the time I finished reading the article, I felt like I knew Patricia Brennan and was so happy for the introduction. 

May she sleep with the angels. And may her family be comforted by her love. 

Maria F. Mastromarino 

Manalapan, NJ

Covering All Sides of the Immigration Issue 

Dear Editor: I commend The Tablet for its comprehensive and balanced reporting on immigration. In the Jan. 13 issue, we read about the commendable acts of charity by the parishes of Deanery 11 near the Floyd Bennett Migrant Camp. 

We also read of the harrowing and life-threatening trip taken by migrant families in the hopes of getting to the safety and hope of America, and Bishop Emeritus Nicholas DiMarzio’s very informative column on the need for compromise when working on immigration policy (which should be required reading for every U.S. legislator). 

Despite opposing views on this complex issue, our Catholic faith calls on each of us to treat migrants as nothing less than God’s children themselves. 

Nina P. Valmonte 

Bay Ridge

KofC Praying for Ukraine 

Dear Editor: Ukraine is in the third year of the Russian invasion where thousands of Ukrainians have died and need help now. 

The help that is needed is being held up by Congress. As a nation and the champion of the free world, we must not let the people of the Ukraine down. 

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is calling for supplies like weapons, food, and ammunition. 

As a grand knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus Council #5911 in Douglaston, I call for help and prayers for Ukraine. 

Let me also mention there are many men in Ukraine that are members of the Knights of Columbus councils. 

As reported in The Tablet, the Knights of Columbus began a novena on the anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine. 

I therefore ask all to pray for the people of Ukraine who are suffering and have lost loved ones. 

I also ask readers to write to their congressional representatives to act on aid for Ukraine. These people are hurting and need aid and hope. 

Frederick Robert Bedell Jr. 


 Aren’t We Welcoming? 

Dear Editor: While watching the news coverage of the recent “scandalous” funeral service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, a supporter of the LGBTQ+ community said somthing along the lines that “the Church is the one that is scandalous and that it must be more welcoming.” 

The Church welcomes all! What many groups who oppose the Church’s teachings really mean when they say “a more welcoming Church” is that they want the Church to condone sinful behavior. 

We must remember that to live a Catholic life in today’s world means opposing some of what the secular world values. All people should be loved and respected, but not all their actions. 

Church officials do not do the Church any favors when they issue ambiguous statements when it comes to clear matters of doctrine. 

Joseph J. Puntino 


Shame Is What the Prophet Calls Out 

Dear Editor: Shame on us as a people who marked our heads with the sacred sign of Lent’s beginning and then sat by passively as our politicians decided to take two weeks off and thus postpone voting for aid to a people who are desperate for that aid for the survival of their country and their identity. 

Shame on us for ignoring the cry that God hears, the cry of the poor. 

Shame on us for piously giving up bubble gum and candy while ignoring the vital needs of a people whose homeland and identity depend on us and our support. 

Go back to the prophet whose words we heard read on Ash Wednesday and decide to allow our Lenten shame to be changed by God’s grace into their Easter joy. 

Father Michael Perry 
