Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of July 20, 2024

Statue of Child Jesus Beheaded 

Dear Editor: I was appalled and quite troubled after reading that the statue of the Child Jesus was beheaded by a vandal and that statues of Joseph and Mary were also hit. 

As reported by the Diocese of Brooklyn, it was announced that a statue at the Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in Fresh Meadows was vandalized last Sunday at around 5:30 a.m. 

The perpetrator was arrested. This was a hate crime, and that I find most sad. 

This type of hate crime seems to be rising against our churches, which I don’t fully understand. My heartfelt prayers go out to all at the parish of the Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in Fresh Meadows. 

May God be with you at this sad time. 

Frederick Robert Bedell Jr. 


Giovanna’s Graduation Prayer 

Dear Editor: Let us pray. 

We call upon God and the Founding Sisters of Notre Dame, to hear our prayer. 

On this joyous occasion, as we celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2024, we give thanks for the hard work, dedication, and perseverance that have brought us to this moment. We are grateful for the cherished memories, the lessons learned, and the bonds of sisterhood that we have formed at Saint Saviour High School. 

As we stand on the threshold of new beginnings, we ask for Your blessings on each graduate. May the values and principles instilled in us at Saint Saviour guide our steps as we move forward. We are grateful for the nurturing and stimulating environment provided by our peers, teachers, staff, and families, which have prepared us to be leaders in our communities and beyond. 

We thank you for the wide array of students within our school community. We have taught each other the importance of unity and the beauty of each individual’s unique contributions. Help us to carry this spirit of acceptance and respect and multifaceted thinking into the wider world, always striving to create inclusive and compassionate communities. 

As we embark on new adventures, may we remember the importance of intellectual curiosity, spiritual growth and social responsibility. Strengthen our resolve to use our education to make a positive impact, serving others with kindness and integrity. 

We pray for courage and wisdom as we face the challenges and opportunities ahead. May we remain steadfast in our commitment to justice and our future, and may our actions reflect the love and grace we have experienced at St. Saviour. 

Lord, as we step out of the comfort of St. Saviour High School, we ask for Your continued guidance and protection. Keep us connected to the community that has nurtured us, and help us to cherish the friendships and memories we’ve made. May the sisterhood of St. Saviour be our strength and inspiration, now and always. 

On behalf of the Class of 2024, we offer this prayer with hearts full of gratitude and anticipation. Amen. 

Giovanna Diehl Milisic 

Belle Harbor 

Editor’s note: Giovanna Diehl Milisic, 17, is a recent graduate of St. Saviour High School in Park Slope. She was chosen to deliver the invocation speech on behalf of her fellow graduates. She was offered and has accepted a scholarship from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.

Too Easy Being Catholic 

Dear Editor: I enjoyed George Weigel’s column where he quotes John Henry Newman as saying, 

“Liberalism in religion is the doctrine that there is no positive truth in religion.” 

The worry in Weigel’s column is that the Church Synod 2024, longing for “a rainbow church” (quoted from article) is moving the Church to become more liberal, which is a mistake. 

Being a true Catholic is not easy. One is called upon to be an apostle of Christ and to follow Church doctrines. Such doctrines do not conform to the current views of a liberal world where abortion is accepted, transgenderism is fought for and there is opposition to God and country. 

All Catholics must realize that conformity is not an option and they must stand up against the current trends in society. 

Hopefully, the Church will also strongly stand up for its traditional values and our leadership will proudly call out when it does not agree with trends that go against Church teachings, and not accept liberal ideology. 

Liberalism in the Church is a grave error, and the Church should not conform to the world. The Church must stay strong with its values. 

In current times it may not be easy to be a Catholic but it is to the benefit of the world we continue to fight the good fight in which we are called upon to do as Catholics. 

William J. Carroll 


Remembering Sister Mary Ann Ambrose 

Dear Editor: I met Sister Mary Ann, affectionately known as the “Big Nun,” six years ago over lunch, where we discussed musicals, her ideology on humanity, and life. We quickly became friends, speaking and texting randomly. She always called me “Cristian”—only my mother was that consistent. She was my first call on the way to the hospital for my first child’s birth. Sister was embedded in the fabric of my life. She led with love and grace (ironically, her Yorkie was named “Gracie”) and found pleasure in humility. 

I miss her dearly. May her legacy of kindness and resilience inspire us all. 

Cristian Ortiz 
