Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of February 17, 2024

Perpetual Vows Coverage 

Dear Editor: I am grateful that The Tablet prints articles about the consecrated life here in the U.S. 

These groups of men and women are constant and tireless as they work with children, seniors, etc., in all walks of life bringing the faith to all. 

As an individual who worked with these communities in the Archdiocese of New York for over 20 years, I applaud you in keeping us informed. 

Helen M. Peterman 


Response to Article About Paul Vallone 

Dear Editor: I very much appreciate the Tablet’s recognition regarding the unfortunate passing of Paul Vallone (“Paul Vallone, Respected Catholic Queens Politician, Dies at 56,” Feb. 10). 

While the article emphasizes Paul’s commitment to the senior citizens, youth and homeless in our community, there are not enough words to describe his commitment to public service. 

I would like to point out that Paul also had a dedication to individuals with special needs, and finding homes for pets in need of adoption. 

Gone but never forgotten, Paul had a heart bigger than himself. His legacy will live on. 

Bob Mulligan 


 Faith and Thought 

Dear Editor: I am sure the students at St. John’s know they are blessed with the teaching of Father Robert Lauder. 

Thankfully the readers of The Tablet can benefit from his lessons. Particularly noteworthy has been the discussion of Victor Frankl’s view of love. 

Particularly enlightening is Father Lauder’s emphasizing that love benefits both the loved and the lover. 

Learning continues outside the classroom. 

Matthew Timothy Meagher 


Thanks to The Tablet 

Dear Editor: I would like to send a heartfelt thank you to Paula Katinas for her excellent coverage of Bishop Robert Brennan’s visit to our parish church of Saint Agnes on her feast day, Jan. 21. (“Glass Appeal: Stained Glass Windows Offer a Treat for the Eyes and Lessons in Faith,” Feb. 3). 

We have been looking forward to our bishop’s visit to our magnificent church building (now located in the new real estate designation of Gowanus). 

Paula gave a great look into the architectural glory of the church and our unique stained glass windows following the life of our patroness. 

I have been a parishioner for all of my 70 years and four generations before me. My family settled just a block away when they immigrated from Ireland and were residents when the parish was established in 1878. 

St. Agnes has a long history and hopefully a strong future. The challenges of contemporary times will soon have a major effect, our parish hall will soon be leased (the rectory, convent and school have all already been sold) leaving us with no proximate gathering space for fellowship which is a necessary part of a worshiping community’s life. 

On the positive side the growth of the Gowanus neighborhood will bring many prospective parishioners. One block east of the church, two towers along the Gowanus Canal will house almost 1000 new apartments. I am proud of our past and look forward to our future. 

Bill Gorman 


Blessings of Individuals in Same Sex Relationships 

Dear Editor: As a gay man I rejoice that gay relationships can now be blessed. We are not speaking of marriage which may be different. 

Within the Church we bless rings, homes, cars, pets, ships, and even instruments of war: the Enola Gay crew and aircraft. 

How can we deny a blessing to a loving relationship? 

At one time The Tablet published a letter requesting Catholics to pray the rosary against gays. 

I responded, had to withhold my name since I worked for the Church, and was saddened deeply by such a request. 

Why is it that people fear the gay community? Is our sin, if it is sin, greater than those who disregard the Beatitudes of Matthew 25? 

It hurts to see such good people who support the Church, who feed and shelter the homeless, welcome the immigrant/migrant, and who are faithful in so many ways living out the Beatitudes and Matthew 25, to refuse a blessing to gays who wish to witness to love by their commitment. 

Gerard Moss 


Editor’s note: It is inaccurate to say that “gay relationships can now be blessed.” A declaration entitled “Fiducia Supplicans” was issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith with the approval of Pope Francis last December. This document allows Catholic clergy to give non-liturgical blessings to individuals in same-sex relationships under a limited set of circumstances. These blessings can in no way convey approval of homosexual acts, same-sex