Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor Week of April 8, 2023

About George Weigel 

Dear Editor: The simmering volcano of censure that is George Weigel has again erupted (“Francis’ Somber 10th Anniversary,” March 25). 

As we have come to expect, his hapless victim can do no right, even though, in this case, the poor target is none other than the anointed Vicar of Christ. 

Although such binary negativity is commonplace in politics (where it is also destructively divisive), it has long been condemned by popes and theologians as far back as Aquinas; yet it still persists. 

St. Benedict’s “Rule” (6th century) describes the differences in approach: “Just as there is a wicked zeal of bitterness which separates from God and leads to hell, so there is a good zeal that leads to God and everlasting life.” 

Sister Joan Chittister, OSB, in her treatise on the “Rule,” describes its application, saying, “Here is the crux of the Rule of St. Benedict. Benedictine spirituality is not about religiosity … [it] is about caring for the people you live with and loving the people you don’t and loving God more than yourself.” 

Isn’t that preferable to Weigelian negativity and denunciation? 

Edward R. Dorney 

Park Slope 

A Plea for Disabled Children 

Dear Editor: I read with interest the As The Tablet Sees It editorial (“Those With Disabilities Enrich the Church”) in the March 25 edition and the discussion of people with disabilities being welcomed by the Church. 

When my daughter was a small child, a church in Queens hosted a weekly religious class for disabled children. 

It was eventually canceled. 

When my daughter turned seven, I went to my local church and requested that she be allowed to receive her first Communion with other local second graders. 

The priest told me that it would not be possible, given the fact that she had never received any instruction. 

It was a slap in the face to my daughter and me. 

The issue was resolved after several additional meetings, but the memory of the first response will never be forgotten. 

As a Catholic, I sincerely hope that the Church can begin to care as passionately about all our children that are here, as it does about the unborn. 

Valerie Pekar 


Heartbreaking News 

Dear Editor: I would like to share my shock at the cover story, “Benched” in the March 25th issue. 

I cannot believe Saint Francis College (SFC) is eliminating its Division I athletic program. 

As a former student and instructor at the college, I think this action is a very serious mistake. 

SFC has always been a small, close-knit school with a family-like environment. 

People attend college because of these qualities. The sports program is a crucial part of the school’s success. 

Ending the sports program is taking the heart out of the school and Brooklyn. 

Marjorie DiBenedetto 

Fleming Island, Florida