Our Youth

Let Them Speak: Have Faith In The Path You Take

(Photo courtesy Bridget Harte)

By Bridget Harte

I was confirmed this year. It was an absolutely beautiful moment in my life and I’m so grateful that my journey brought me to this moment. I was surrounded by those I love – my parents, friends and teachers as I excitedly took the next step in my faith life.


As I stood in front of the bishop with my sponsor next to me and as I was anointed with chrism, I was brought to tears of joy. I can’t even fully describe the feeling I had except that I felt a sense of pure love and happiness, one of finally feeling closer to God.

I felt in my heart that I was exactly where I was supposed to be – that I belonged there. It felt as though for a moment, the lines between heaven and earth were blurred and that God was truly present with me.

I was grateful in that moment that I had the ability to choose this time in my life to be confirmed, even if I felt inadequate in my faith before.

I strongly believe that I had to go through my questioning and loss of faith to fully understand the importance of my faith in my life.

Even if it was a struggle, I’m glad that I went through it because I’m stronger because of it.

Throughout this journey, I’ve learned that faith comes in all different forms. Regardless of the fact that I was never confirmed, I came to learn that God loved me as I was. I was given the chance to become closer to Him. That chance only came when I was ready – and I am.

I can’t wait to see where my faith journey goes from here.

Harte is a recent graduate from St. Edmund Prep H.S., Sheepshead Bay.