The Catholic high school principals of Brooklyn and Queens have issued a statement calling for government officials “to do everything necessary to help us protect students against senseless acts such as the one in Florida and too many others across our country.”
The message was signed by all 18 principals of the secondary schools in the diocese. The full text of the statement is as follows:
“As the Principals of the Catholic High Schools of Brooklyn and Queens we have kept the administration, faculty, staff, students and parents from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in our prayers since the thoughtless tragedy on February 14, 2018. We stand in support of the Parkland, Florida survivors as they draw strength in knowing that their efforts to effect necessary change are heard. We call on our elected leaders to do everything necessary to help us protect students against senseless acts such as the one in Florida and too many others across our country.
“The mission of Catholic education within the Diocese of Brooklyn is to form children in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ as celebrated in the Catholic Church, while providing a comprehensive academic education that will help them reach their full human potential and contribute to the common good of our nation and the world. The alumni of our schools are leaders in every stratum of society, and our current students are the leaders and policy makers of tomorrow. We must stand as examples to them of the morality, justice and peace which we expect them to go forth and spread in the world. As Principals, we are responsible for carrying out the mission of our schools, the education of our students and the safety and security of the adolescents in our care. As educators we are facing a world where we are increasingly called upon to become the last line of defense against unspeakable horrors.
“Collectively, we as Catholic educators … as Americans … know that these attacks must stop and the time for action on all levels is long overdue. We unite in one voice to call upon our elected officials to effect nothing less than meaningful, proactive change. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi we must ‘be the change we wish to see in the world’. That change starts today.”
The signees were:
Darius Penikas, Archbishop Molloy H.S.
Dr. Margaret Lacey-Berman, Bishop Kearney H.S.
Edward A. Bolan, Bishop Loughlin Memorial H.S.
Richie Diaz, Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary
Geri Martinez, Christ the King H.S.
Mary Ann Spicijaric, Fontbonne Hall Academy
Edward Burns, Holy Cross H.S.
Joseph Dugan, Cristo Rey Brooklyn H.S.
James V. Castrataro, Msgr. McClancy Memorial H.S.
Providencia Quiles, Nazareth Regional H.S.
Susan Nicoletti, St. Agnes Academic H.S.
Allison McGinnis, St. Edmund Preparatory H.S.
Patrick McLaughlin, St. Francis Preparatory School
William A. Higgins, St. John’s Preparatory School
Caroline Latham, St. Joseph H.S.
Paula T. McKeown, St. Saviour H.S.
Sister Kathleen McKinney C.S.J, Ed.D., The Mary Louis Academy
Deacon Kevin McCormack, Xaverian H.S.