Letters to the Editor

Guadalupe for All

Dear Editor: What wonderful coverage you have given (Dec. 9 and 16) of the celebrations for La Guadalupana, both in Mexico and here in Brooklyn. It is impressive to read that this feast is celebrated by many groups of Hispanics and not just persons of Mexican descent.

It reminded me of a time over 65 years ago when I was listening to a radio broadcast of a Mass from the Cathedral in Mexico City honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe. Of particular interest was the radio announcer’s description of the procession which featured representatives from almost every trade. I recall that a large group of butchers came dressed in aprons, and another group of bakers were wearing special hats.

What really caught my youthful attention (I was about 11 years old) was the final group of ladies wearing very ornate clothing and splendid black lace mantillas. This group of about 30 were prostitutes! As the announcer repeated, everyone takes part in this procession.

Clearly, Our Lady of Guadalupe welcomes all her children.


Windsor Terrace